Chapter 35: Closeness

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I woke up only to see the familiar white ceiling. I sighed as I remembered that I was still in the hospital. I dreamt that I was brought home last night, but then again it was just a dream.

The nurses have brought me my breakfast, there weren't that much food but it will have to do. Even if the food didn't look appetizing, I still needed to eat. After all, breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

With each spoonful of oatmeal, it tasted more bland. It needed more sugar but I doubt the nurses will give me even just a small amount of sugar.

I was about to take another spoonful of the bland oatmeal, when there was a knock at my door. Whoever it was, it didn't wait for my permission before he entered. The door opened and revealed the nurse.

"Goodmorning, miss." He said. I just nodded at him. I'm not quite fond of men being nurses, I'm more used to female nurses.

He walked towards the side to check on the IV attached onto my arm. It hurts a bit, but I got used to the pain.

"The doctor said you should eat breakfast." He said without looking at me. His voice sounded so soft, it was like he actually cared for the patients, including me.

"I'm trying. But the oatmeal is just too bland. It needs a lot of sugar." He laughed slightly at what I said. I looked at him with a brow raised.

Then as if for the the first time this morning, he turned his head and looked at me. A smile was etched onto his face. I can't blame the fact that he was attractive, I think I was staring too much.

"Why did you laugh?" I asked as I looked away, embarassed that I actually stared at him. I can feel my cheeks reddening.

"Nothing," he said but I can hear the smile in his voice. He must be trying hard to stop laughing in my face. I feel so embarassed.

"If you would like some sugar, I'd bring some." He said. I slowly looked at him and he was still smiling. Instead of speaking, I just nodded at him.

"I'll be right back, miss." He said and bowed. After that he left me all alone.

I can't believe myself. I'm such an embarassment. Although I would've felt more embarassed if he laughed. But thank the heavens, he didn't laugh in my face. My cheeks were probably as red as tomatoes now.

He returned a few minutes later, holding a small jar filled with sugar.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome, miss." He said then bowed. He excused himself and told me he had to leave. I nodded at him and he left me at peace.

He was rather nice. Out of all the nurses here, he's probably the nicest. No other nurse have talked to me so softly as him.

I put a spoonful of sugar on the bland oatmeal, mixed it and tasted it. Even when there was a spoonful of sugar, it made no difference in the taste. It was still the same.

I ended up adding almost 5 spoonfuls of sugar to atleast make the oatmeal less bland. It tasted okay now. It doesn't taste boring anymore.


With an empty bowl of oatmeal by the bedside table, I was completely full. Even if the bowl looked small, it contained a lot of oatmeal. It actually made me full.

The nurse from earlier, came and picked up the tray with an empty bowl on it.

I had asked his name before he could leave, and he gladly told me. Min Hyuk. I will probably remember that name.

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