Chapter 12

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Daniel clenched his fist. The scent he was following was weak, yet strong enough to follow. Daniel could tell what gender the animal was, and even the age if the scent was strong enough. Strong scents came from people with strong personalities and these two...These two girls had the strongest personalities he'd smelled in a long time. In fact, they were the strongest he could remember. And that could only mean one thing. They both had superpowers.


Daniel had lost them. Lost their scent all together. Angrily, he set up a trap for meat and waited by a maple tree. It took all of his willpower not to try and hunt them down again, but he knew he needed to find his brother, Derek. Surely Derek had heard about Danya's murder, and surely he'd be angry enough to help in the search. Daniel's knife was heavy in his hand, and idly, he waited to make his kill. A lone deer wandered into the clearing, beautiful and graceful, almost camouflaged by the bark of the trees. The deer ambled over to where Daniel crouched in the bushes.

"Closer." Daniel whispered under his breath, "Come closer."
The deer's eyes flared red, and it stood up straight...unnaturally stiff. He'd got it. Daniel said, "Stay still." Keeping one hand outstretched towards the doe, he crept towards it. Daniel's left hand, which held the knife, was sweaty. He'd never killed an animal before; only humans. Animals were beautiful, magister creatures and humans....humans were the most selfish, greedy and ignorant things to have ever walked the Earth. Daniel could remember the time before the human race; a time when the world was inhabited by four tribes, each named after the king that ruled them. There was the Raines, the water kingdom, in which everyone had water powers. The city itself had thrived underwater for centuries. Second, there was the Parches, the fire kingdom, in which everyone had the ability to manipulate or create fire.
Third, there was the Whisps, the air kingdom, whose citizens could shape and control air itself.
Fourth, there was the Roses, the earth kingdom, the most powerful kingdom, in which its people could create plants, control animals, nourish organisms and some, only the most powerful, could manipulate weather. Daniel and his family were descendants of this kingdom, and he was distantly related to the King, King Rose. Daniel could control animals, and each of his siblings had a different ability. Derek could create plants and Daphne...Daphne was the most powerful. She was a Weather Weilder, meaning she had control of raging storms, harsh winds and burning heat. Daphne was the only Weather Wielder to walk the earth for thousands of years. Most Weather Weilders died within months of birth because the overwhelming amount of power was too much for their bodies to handle. Daphne had risked death on many occasions; getting too close to exhausting her powers had become normal for her. That was it! Daniel needed to find Daphne, and with her help...they'd be an unstoppable duo.

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