5. Personal matters

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They spent more time than they should had done in the kitchen finishing the breakfast. They didn't even need to talk at all, Karlie was enjoying the pancakes while Taylor drank her coffee and ate an apple. Taylor stared at Karlie while she took a few more bites, her cheeks still red for their previous conversation. Luckily for her, the tension of the moment broke when a ball of white hair came into the room and took a big jump to stand in the countertop between them.

-Hello little boy- Karlie smiled stretching her arm to pet him.

-Karlie meets Oliver- Taylor said pointing to her cat.

-Hi handsome- Karlie said noticing how soft his hair was- he is the cutest thing I've ever seen, more than in your lock screen.

-He is adorable- Taylor agreed.

-Can I hold him?- Karlie asked excited.

-Of course, he's really affectionate- Taylor told her, pushing her cat close to Karlie.

-Hello Oli- Karlie said taking the cat into her arms and following Taylor to the living room- I'm Karlie, will you play with me?

-You love animals right?- Taylor asked, placing both of coffee cups over the table in the living room.

-I've always been a dog person but I couldn't have one at home- Karlie explained with Oliver over her tummy playing with his paws- but I also like cats a lot.

-You can borrow him whenever you want- Taylor joked.

-I would love to- Karlie replied laughing while she scratched Oliver's belly to relax him- he likes me.

-He learned it from his owner, he knows how to treat you- Taylor said, she shut up her mouth as fast as she could but it was late, those words had escaped her mouth but Karlie was still distracted with the cat- you know... I guess he can feel that we work together... kind of friends.

-I'm glad he likes me- Karlie said before she placed the cat on the floor- give me that coffee, we should start this.

-Sure- Taylor accepted nervously.

Karlie began to have that power to distract her from her real tasks so easily, Taylor really did want to impress her that day to prove she was still a normal girl. If there was something she had learned the past few days was that Karlie didn't understand in any way her lifestyle and how she hide her private life so much. She wanted to show her she was more than a lie, she wanted Karlie to see her for more than a job, step by step. Taylor did her best that morning to focus in her writing skills but it was really difficult every time that Karlie laughed after a silly joke they made or when Olivera appeared again by Karlie's side. They ended up talking about anything around them, the warm weather, the last news or even about the last episode of Scandal. Taylor liked having coming interest with Karlie, it made her feel that they were connecting, something that didn't happen a lot in her life. She didn't know much about Karlie but for now, it was enough. They skip the lunch time lost in their conversations without even realized it so Taylor offered to cook something quickly before they could continue working.

-Do you know how to cook?- Karlie asked surprised by the offer.

-Of course, who did you think that made breakfast this morning? Oliver?- Taylor joked.

-That's a good one- Karlie said laughing- I will help you then.

-No, don't worry, sit down and play with the cat if you want- Taylor ordered- I will bring you some food in a couple of minutes.

-Okay... Thank you- Karlie said recovering her previous position on the couch.

-Do you like all kind of food?- Taylor screamed from the kitchen.

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