12. The Party

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-Hey- Taylor said opening the door and finding Karlie with Cara and Selena by her side - you are here early! 

-Hi- Karlie said blushing taking a step forward but soon realizing that Taylor took a step back to let them in, reminding Karlie that they were not alone at all -Taylor this is my friend Cara- she finally said entering the house and introducing them- and she is Selena. 

-It's a pleasure Cara- Taylor said shaking her hand- I'm a big fan of your collection- she said before she turned to Selena- and I love your last album, it's amazing. 

-Thank you! That means a lot- Cara said smiling, Taylor had noticed her strong English accent immediately- It's nice to meet you too. 

-Nice to meet you Taylor, your debut album is also interesting without a doubt- Selena smiles

-Come in, I will show you around and introduce you to Martha so I can get upstairs to get changed- Taylor explained walking to the living room- Hey Martha! Karlie, Selena and Cara are here. 

-Hello girls! Nice to meet you- Martha said putting Oliver on the floor and walking to reach them- it's good to finally meet the famous Karlie and of course you too Cara and Selena. 

-I'm famous?- Karlie laughed turning to look at Taylor. 

-I'm jealous- Cara joked. 

-I'm going to get change before anyone else arrives- Taylor said dismissively wanting to run away from that situation. 

Taylor turned and left the room as quick as she could. The last thing she needed was an awkward conversation about how much she talked about Karlie with Martha. Karlie watched how she left the room and suddenly an idea crossed her mind, there was a chance that Taylor would kill her but she had to try it. 

-I'm going to the bathroom, I'll be back- Karlie said leaving the room. 

Karlie walked through the hallway, she had lied, she wasn't going to the bathroom, she wanted to go to Taylor's room. She knew where it was perfectly, she had walked that same hallway a lot of nights. She took a deep breath and opened Taylor's door letting herself in without knocking. Taylor turned the moment she heard a noise and found Karlie smiling. 

-Karlie!- Taylor said surprised -what are you doing here? 

-This- Karlie said taking two big steps to grab Taylor by the neck before she kissed her. 

Taylor quickly got lost in the kiss, knowing that she hadn't been able to do that earlier because Cara was with Karlie. She cupped Karlie's cheeks and a big smile prompted on KArlie's face making them to break the kiss. Karlie rested her forehead against Taylor's and brushed their nose together. 

-Ok that was good but now go- Taylor whispered  -I need to get changed before people arrive. 

-I can wait here- Karlie suggested sitting on the edge of the bed. 

-Karlie- Taylor protested trying to move her. 

-What?- Karlie laughed. 

-Go, I'm being serious- Taylor ordered. 

-I'm not doing nothing- Karlie teased her while she dragged her on her lap. 

-Look Karlie... Today there's going to be a lot of people around and I don't need to remind you that... 

-I know I know- Karlie interrupted her already knowing what she was about to say -they don't know about you, don't worry about that, that's why I came here so I could say hello properly. 

-It's really sweet Kar but now you have said hello so you can go- Taylor said lacing their fingers together -Martha and Cara and Selena are probably wondering where you are. 

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