9. Jealousy

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Taylor woke up the next morning when she tried to roll over the bed and she couldn't. She slowly opened her eyes, the rays of sun hitting her blue deep eyes intensively. She realized that Karlie was by her side, suddenly all the memories from the previous day appearing in her head. She smiled, Karlie went upstairs to join her and the best part of it, Karlie hadn't released her during all night and the singer loved that gesture. She turned to look at her, Karlie had some locks of hair falling on her face so she stretched her arm to move them away and have a bette view of Karlie. Taylor was caught staring at her when Karlie suddenly opened her eyes.

-Good morning- Taylor whispered softly.

-Hi- Karlie said shyly.

-Are you ok?- Taylor asked with a half smile- have you slept well?

-Yeah... very well- Karlie admitted blushing.

-I told you that you would love my bed- Taylor reminded her laughing.

-Don't be silly, it's too early for that- Karlie said embarrassed while she hided her head under the pillow.

-You are adorable- Taylor said moving to have her closer- get your head out of there.

-No- Karlie mumbled still under it.

-Karlie! Come on- Taylor asked again.

-Hi- Karlie said when she finally obeyed.

That sweetness and shyness made Taylor's heart melt right there. She broke the short distance between them and kissed Karlie's lips slowly and gently. Karlie soon got lost in the kiss moving her hands to pull Taylor closer. The only got back to reality when a ring tone filled the room. The singer rolled over the bed and grabbed her phone from the night stand and got back to her previous position with Karlie. Taylor unlock her phone and saw a text from Lily, she was about to text her back when the phone started to ring again, that time it was a call from her. Karlie looked at her confused.

-Lily?- she asked instinctively wrapping her arm around Taylor.

-Yeah... she had sent me a text because she thought that we were in the studio and wanted to know if we were going or not- Taylor explained silencing the call- she's calling because I didn't text her back I guess.

-Why is Lily in the studio so early?- Karlie asked, she knew that Lily was like Taylor, not a morning person at all.

-Early?- Taylor laughed looking at her- what time do you think it is?

-What time is it?- Karlie asked stealing the phone from the singer- oh my god, Taylor it's really late!

-I know- Taylor said still laughing.

-You said you would wake me up!- Karlie protested.

-But I didn't say anything about the hour- Taylor said mischievously.

-Taylor- Karlie scolded- we have work to do.

-Can we do it from the bed?- Taylor suggested.

-No- Karlie said pushing her away- because in that bed I would do anything but work.

With that statement Karlie finally got up and felt the room, leaving Taylor with her jaw still dropped by the last answer. Taylor resigned woke up and left the bed to go and find Karlie who was in the kitchen pouring some coffee in two mugs. Taylor smiled when she saw she had a cup of coffee, usually Karlie didn't want Taylor drinking it but it was late and she needed her to be really awake. The songwriter knew how powerful was the effect of caffeine on her and they needed to work as soon as possible. Taylor grabbed the mug that Karlie handed her smiling and followed her to the living room.

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