15. NDA

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Taylor had spent the last few days locked at the studio with Lily. According to her producer, the record label wanted to hear more songs since they were really happy about the last ones and couldn't wait to release at least a single so people could now that Taylor Swift, the revelation singer of the last year was in fact launching another album. They had recorded two more songs and Taylor had to admit that she loved them. It was exactly what she wanted when she talked months back to that moment with Lily about a new sound and a new vibe for the record. 

However, even if she was happy about the album, being locked at the studio meant that she couldn't see Karlie since she got up early and went to bed really late while Karlie was using those free days to be with her friends. Taylor was finally free from the recording sessions so she thought it would be a good idea to drive by Karlie's place and spend the night with her. She missed Karlie and she wasn't used to miss someone that way which told her a lot about her own feelings. 

Karlie couldn't help but smile really big when she opened the door just to find Taylor standing there with a pizza box and a bottle of wine. She knew how to make the night perfect without even asking. Karlie knew that Taylor was exhausted after those days working hard so she played a movie on Netflix and cuddled with her until Taylor fell asleep just half an hour after laying with Karlie. The songwriter took her to the bed and wrapped her arms around her before falling asleep too. 

Taylor was the first one to wake up the next morning when the sunlight that was going throw the curtains hit her face. She opened her eyes just to discover a sleeping Karlie by her side. She stared at the girl, thinking about how happy she felt just to be admiring Karlie. Nobody in her life had made her feel that way, not even Dianna, Karlie was different and that made Taylor be scared. She didn't know how to face her feelings or what to do around Karlie when they were out of the apartment and most of all, she didn't know what to do with Harry and their fake relationship. Should she keep faking it so she could date Karlie? It was messy and complicated and the only thing that seemed to be simple was her feelings, she was falling hard for Karlie. 

-Hi- Karlie said breaking the silence and bringing her back to reality. 

-Good morning- Taylor said smiling. 

-Are you going to tell me what were you thinking?- Karlie asked moving closer to give her a good morning kiss. 

-What? I wasn't thinking... I just woke up- Taylor lied. 

-You have been staring at me the last fifteen minutes- Karlie laughed breaking the embrace. 

-How do you know that? You were asleep!- Taylor protested. 

-I didn't know it- Karlie admitted laughing- you just confirmed it. 

-Whatever- Taylor said rolling her eyes. 

-Come on, what were you thinking?- Karlie insisted. 

-Nothing special- Taylor lied- just... how beautiful you look even sleeping. 

-I know that you think that but there's something more- Karlie said getting serious, she really knew Taylor by that moment so she knew that something more was in her mind. 

-I...- Taylor's mind started to go wild thinking about how she could get out of that situation without really telling her that she was thinking because she knew that Karlie hated the idea of lying and pretending with Harry.

-What?- Karlie asked. 

-I have something for you- Taylor finally said, it was true, she had something for Karlie even if she wasn't planning to show it to her yet. 

-Yeah? What?- Karlie asked excited. 

-A song- Taylor said really proud of herself. 

-A song?- Karlie asked surprised, they hadn't been together for days and they hadn't worked on any new song lately. 

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