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September 22 2007

Years had passed. I'd lost everyone. They'd slipped through my fingers. I'd let them all go.

Liam was dead. He'd overdosed. He couldn't bear to live anymore. I stuck around for him.  I knew how upset he was and how his pain wasn't going away. He had depression and the one time I wasn't with him... Watching him. He'd killed himself.

Liam was my best friend.
My closest friend, since Bella.

I was officially alone.
Alienated from the rest of the world.

I had received his will after his funeral.
He'd left a letter for me. He must have wrote it before-

Dear Finn,
Thanks for being there for me all these years. Thanks for supporting me when times got tough. Now I'm going to be here for you- a better person, a happier person. You need to go and find Bella. You need to win her back. She needs you. You need her. Is this not blatantly obvious. Go and get her! By the way I attached her address- send her a letter. Even if you don't want to do it. Do it for me. I don't want to see you as unhappy as I was.
Thank you,
Your a good man- you deserve the best. I'm honoured to have met and been friends with such a great guy like you.
P.s don't weep over me- I'm happy, please as a friend accept that. I know you'll understand better than the rest of them.
I'm betting on you, go and change your life around.

I immediately hurried for Bella's address. I hadn't seen Jordan in years, he was no longer a threat. I wrote a letter to Bella. For Liam. 
For me.

Dear Bella,
I understand that you probably have moved on- a beautiful woman like you is bound to have anyway.
I decided to write this letter- well actually I didn't decide. The thing is Liam died and made it his death wish for me to write to you. So you can't really say no to a dead person can you!
I miss you so much Bella. I never wanted to leave you. Ever. I truly meant it when I said I'd always love you. I have never stopped. In fact I was blackmailed into breaking up with you. This guy has something terrible on me that I don't want to share in a letter. I didn't have the money to pay him off. So he said I had to leave you.
That was the worst thing I have ever done. I should have just let him kill me. That would have been easier than to suffer this pain and loss from leaving you.
Anyway, I'm glad I've got it all out and want to see you. If you'd let me.
I love you.
All my love- Finn. 

I posted the letter, a sigh of relief knowing that maybe soon I was going to get my life back.

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