Part 7.: Class assistant

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*The next day... * *Weiss was getting her kids ready for school* *She also had breakfast ready* *After breakfast, the four older kids were sent to school on buses* *Jaune and Weiss were on their way to the Pre-School to drop Jaune Arc Jr. off* *After their arrival, Weiss let Jaune know that she's now a classroom assistant, and they both then kissed* *Weiss walked Jaune Arc Jr. into the Pre-School* *Glynda Goodwitch saw them walk in* Glynda: "Ah, Mrs. Arc, are you ready for your first day as a classroom assistant?" Weiss: *Smiles* "Yes." Glynda: "Alright." Weiss: *Looks down at Jaune Arc Jr. as she smiles at him and lets go of his hand* "Run along, now, Little Jauney. I'll be in class with you every day." Jaune Jr.: "Ok." *Runs to his school shelf to put his coat, his lunchbox, and his backpack away* Weiss: *Looks at Glynda Goodwitch* "Now, what are the instructions on being a classroom assistant?" Glynda: "Well... " *Minutes later, Glynda Goodwitch finished telling Weiss the instructions on being a classroom assistant and then proceeded to do teacher work* *Weiss then stood aside in the classroom* *Thirteen minutes later, it was play time for the kids* *Weiss and Glynda Goodwitch both talk to eachother* Weiss: "Glynda?" Glynda: "Yeah?" Weiss: "My sister broke her leg, and I need to find a temporary babysitter for my kids." Glynda: "Well, if you want, I can babysit." Weiss: "Really?" Glynda: *Smiles* "Sure." Weiss: *Smiles* "Thanks you, Glynda." Glynda: "You're welcome. And why do you need a babysitter for your kids? Do you and Jaune both work?" Weiss: "Yeah." Glynda: "Oh." Weiss: "Can I chew gum in here?" Glynda: "Yes, why?" Weiss: "Thanks." *Gets out a piece of and chews it* "Because, I smoked cigarettes, and Jaune doesn't want me harming my body." Glynda: "Well, cigarettes can kill you. At least he's concerned." Weiss: "He's a good husband. But he gets too worried at times... " Glynda: "Well, I just think he was the right choice for you, Weiss." Weiss: *Looks a little sad* Glynda: *Notices Weiss looking a little sad, so she then gets worried* "What's wrong?" Weiss: "It's just... It's Pyrrha... She tried to kill me three or four years ago... " Glynda: *Gasps* "Why??" Weiss: "Well... Apparrently, she was jealous of me... " Glynda: *Puzzled* "What makes you say that?" Weiss: "Well... It had something to do with her loving Jaune... She told me that she wanted to take back what should've been her's... " Glynda: *Gasps* "So, what was her's exactly that she was taking back??" Weiss: "It was Jaune." Glynda: "Wait- So she was jealous... And all that because you and Jaune are together??" Weiss: "I guess so... But I killed her with my sword when she thought I was dead... " Glynda: "Well, I expected her to be loyal and have better morals, not be evil and jealous!" Weiss: "Yeah... " *Later, it was then time for the students to go home* *Later, at the Arc house, at night... * *The Arc family was having a dinner at the table* *Jaune was talking about his day at work* *After dinner, Jaune and Weiss got ready for their night jobs* *Weiss answered the door that had knocking, and Glynda Goodwitch was there* *After Weiss and Jaune headed to their night jobs, Glynda Goodwitch closed the door* *She turned around* Glynda: "Well, who wants to watch TV or play board games?"

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