Chapter 1 - Teddy

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So, I know I'm meant to be doing What Does the Future Hold? but I have a few stories that I have started and on this one I already have a couple of chapters completed. This one isn't my main focus but it's up there. I know that in this chapter some of the experiences of travelling to Hogwarts are like Harry's so don't tell me to change that cause I won't.

Oh yeah, all rights go to J.K.R. apart from my characters.

I think that's it... Please enjoy this!

Miss Weasley

Chapter 1 – Teddy

As Teddy Lupin looked out of the train carriage window of the Hogwarts Express he waved to the family and friends that had come to see him off for his first year at Hogwarts. He could see his grandmother, Andromeda, one of his only living relatives left, with a huge smile lighting up her heavily-lined face. Next to her was his godfather, Harry, with his wife, Ginny and their three kids. All the rest of the Weasleys were there with their wives and children; they had all come to see Teddy off, which he was very touched by. Teddy could also see Hannah Longbottom waving. She was surrounded by her children: Brook (who was going to Hogwarts next year), Felix (he was a year younger than Brook), Michael (who was three and was looking extremely grumpy, Violet (who was resting in Hannah’s arms only being a year old) and Hannah was pregnant again, with twins this time. Neville and Hannah had decided to call them Frank and Alice after Neville’s parents who still hadn’t recovered from being tortured with the Cruciatus Curse.

Sticking his head further out the window he could see Neville waving to his family from the train, already in his teacher’s robes.

Teddy scanned the platform until he found Bill and Fleur Weasley standing with their three children. He could see his best mate since he was two, Victoire Weasley. She was looking at the train wistfully.

Teddy caught her eye and smiled at her. A small smile crept upon her face. She turned and something to her parents before running down the platform, skidding to a halt in front of Teddy. Teddy leapt off the train carriage and wrapped her in a hug.

“I miss you already,” she mumbled into his chest.

“I miss you too, Tori. But never forget, I love you to the moon and back.” ‘Tori’ had always been the nickname that only he used. Friends and family called her ‘Vic’ and everyone else used her full name. They had come about using the saying ‘I love you to the moon and back’ to signify that Teddy’s dad had been a werewolf – but there was nothing wrong with that; Teddy had acute senses like a werewolf does when transformed – and just generally they loved each other that much as best friends.

Just then the whistle sounded and a shout came through the crowd, “Victoire Weasley! Don’t you dare get on that train!” Both of them turned to see Bill running through the masses of people towards them.

He stopped, panting. “Good, sorry. It’s just you two are best friends and have never been separated and knowing Vic she would probably hop on the train with you, Teddy.”

The second whistle sounded and Teddy gave Victoire one last hug before jumping back onto the train.

The train started to chug forward and Victoire ran to catch up to it. Before the train rounded the corner Teddy gave her one last fleeting look before trudging back to his compartment.

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