Chapter 11 - Teddy

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So here's the next chapter of Teddy Lupin. Sorry I didn't post it for ages.

I've decided to do a question on each chapter. Teddy Lupin will be Next Generation Era questions and What Does the Future Hold will be Marauder and Golden Trio Era.

So QOTC (Question of the Chapter):

What house do you see Albus Potter in?

Post your answer in the comments!

Miss Weasley

Chapter 11 – Teddy

Gellentarta stood up, surprised. “Auror Potter! What can we do for you?”

“I need to speak with you and Teddy Lupin,” replied Harry.

“Certainly. Minerva, look over the students. Mr Lupin, where are you?”

Teddy rose, his legs shaking. “Excellent, excellent,” Gellentarta approved. “This way Mr Potter, Mr Lupin.”

Teddy shot a scared look at Brendan and Ivy, who were looking at him in shock. Gellentarta led Teddy and Harry out of the hall. As soon as they were out of earshot from the Great Hall, Harry started to question Teddy as they walked.

“Are you alright?”


“No suspicious activity happening around Hogwarts?”

“Not that I know of.”

“Have you heard from Vic?”

This caught Teddy off-guard. “Why? Is she alright?” Harry didn’t answer, but worry was etched all over his face.

“Dragons,” Gellentarta said.

“Where?” Harry pulled out his wand.

“No, Mr Potter, that’s the password for my office,” chuckled Gellentarta.

“Right,” Harry said. “And please call me Harry.”

Once they were seated in Professor Gellentarta’s office, he began the conversation. “So, Mr – I mean, Harry – is there something worrying the Auror Department?”

“Yes. My niece has gone missing,” Harry said quickly, as if he didn’t want the words to linger in his mouth.

Teddy stiffened. “Tori?” Harry nodded slowly.

He continued. “Her family were travelling to my place by Floo Powder and she never arrived there. We’ve been doing a search all week, keeping it hushed up so no one was scared about the possibility of Death Eaters taking her. But I think it is inevitable now; they have to know. They must be alert and on-guard at all times. We will of course keep searching, don’t worry Teddy.”

Teddy was still in shock. He stared ahead not seeing anything, thinking the same thing: she’s gone. While he was off in another world of despair, Gellentarta was talking.

“Well, I think they took her because, obviously, she is a relative of yours and you are always a direct target. And I think I know why they took her instead of one of your own. Her name is one: Victoire. Born on the anniversary of the day they were defeated. Next, she is a pretty little girl, so the alarm is raised immediately. But they took her because she has a direct link to nearly everyone in this magical community. She has Mr Lupin here, and Professor Longbottom who is a close family friend. Then of course, she has the whole Weasley-Potter family who are quite high up in every area. And then she has captured the hearts of the whole Wizarding World: the quarter-Veela born on that date. By taking her, they have everyone in a panic which is what they are aiming to do.”

Harry mulled Gellentarta’s speech over. “Yes, I see what you mean. So do you think we should tell everyone?” The Headmasters and mistresses along the walls were also talking amongst their selves.

Before Gellentarta could answer, Teddy did. “No.”

Harry turned to him, puzzled. “No?”

“That’s what they would expect you to do. You have to wait until they make themselves known to everyone that they are still here. Or what you could do is just put every single charm around Hogwarts that you can because we know that’s where they’re aiming to attack. If you did that though, you might have to tell everyone…” Teddy trailed off and went back into his thoughts.

Harry swivelled back to Gellentarta. “What do you think?”

“Well, I would take the suggestion of Mr Lupin: put all charms possible around Hogwarts. And then, yes, I would tell everyone. You’re right, people need to be alert.”

“Thank you, Professor. Are you coming Teddy?” Harry looked at his godson, still sitting. Teddy’s head jerked.

“What? Oh, yeah… dinner.”

Harry and Teddy strode back to outside the hall – or rather Harry strode, Teddy just trailed along behind. “Look, Teddy. I need you to be safe,” Harry said urgently. “It would be completely my fault if you were taken. Have you opened those presents I put in your trunk?”

Teddy shook his head, remembering Harry’s letter on his first day. “Well you need to. They’ll keep you safe. Each one has a note telling you what it does and how to work it. I have to go now but I’ll talk soon.” Harry wrapped him in a hug and strode off.

Teddy opened the Great Hall doors to find everyone’s eyes on him.


Hope it was okay.

My answer for the question: SLYTHERIN!!!!!

Anyway please vote and when you comment your answer please tell me what you thought of the chapter!


Miss Weasley

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