Chapter 10 - Victoire

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Victoire chapter! Find out how the Death Eaters are treating her and their proposition! Hope you like it! If you wondered why I used 'she' and 'her' all the way through instead of 'Victoire', it's because she can hardly remember her name so I thought that would be fitting. A bit of Teddy/Victoire in this with her only remembering 'Tori' and him.

But yeah, enjoy!

Miss Weasley

Chapter 10 – Victoire

Her scream bounced off the walls of her prison. But the sound no longer chilled her; it was part of her daily routine. She could no longer string together coherent thoughts. She had no idea how long she had been here; the cell was dark all day. The only thing she could remember from her life was a boy with aqua hair, and a man with red hair and scars across his face. She couldn’t put a name to them but she knew she had some sort of connection with them. Oh, and she could remember her name – Tori.

Once more, a scream burst through her lips as numb pain racked her body. Her tormentor laughed. It was never the same one that came for her torture. The leading man – she couldn’t remember what he said his name was – sent in a different Death Eater each time so she couldn’t hold a name to a face if she tried.

The cell door creaked open. The torturer muttered, “Master,” before backing out. Sharp heels clacked along the floor until they rested at her head.

“Poor Victoire,” the man said in a sarcastic voice. My name’s Tori, she thought confusedly. But she couldn’t voice her thoughts; her ability of speech had been lost some time ago. The only sound she made was screams and whimpers. “Have my comrades been treating you well? If I was down here with you, you might not have been so lucky. But why am I here, you ask? Oh, that’s right, you can’t speak. Looks like we’ll be having a one-sided conversations. Fine by me; I like it when my victims can’t speak.

“Well, my dear Victoire, it seems your family have finally realised you’ve gone missing and raised the alarm. I’m sure they’re all terribly disappointed that they’ve lost you. Whatever will the say when they see your limp body in the Hogwarts grounds? Did you know Hogwarts is already building an army to fight us? Yes, your father is among their ranks, as well as others. Now, I suggest you listen carefully if you want to keep them safe. You might’ve guessed that we’re planning on an attack on Hogwarts. We are already onto the finer details on when this attack is happening but I suspect it shall be towards the end of the school year, so our opposition can relax and begin to think we won’t ever come. In other words, start slacking. That’s when we strike. And you play a big part in this. You’ll stumble into Hogwarts, saying your memory has been wiped. While all their attention is on you, we’ll start our attack. If we can, we’ll spare you and your family but no promises. Is that okay with you? I’m glad you agree.” With a satisfied smirk, the man clacked back out the door and slammed it shut behind him.

She had no idea what he was on about. She had struggled to grasp the first sentence of his speech. What was he planning? Was he trying to get her to help him?

The man’s sardonic voice came through the heavy door. “And, Victoire, if you do not agree with the arrangements, expect more of this. Crucio!”

She writhed and clutched onto the last thing that kept her sane – Tori.


Tori. Next chapter will be Teddy, finding out about Victoire's disappearance. Comment and vote please! Thank you!

Miss Weasley

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