Chapter 4 - Teddy

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Okey Dokey Hokey Pokey! Teddy Lupin is on the go! I'm so happy to be on holidays! YAY!!! Remember competition finishes in three days so get your covers in quick! Otherwise enjoy!

Miss Weasley

Chapter 4 – Teddy

“Teddy, wake up! Teddy!” Someone was calling his name but Teddy groaned and rolled over.

“Teddy!” He could now identify Brendan screeching his name. Teddy blearily opened one eye.

“What is it?” he asked groggily.

Brendan beamed down at him. “First day! Come on! Let’s go get breakfast!” At that Teddy jumped out of bed, concentrated on making his hair lie flat, pulled on his school robes and bounded down the stairs after Brendan.

Just as they climbing out of the door that opened to the common room, Damien appeared out of the fifth year door. He caught sight of them.

“Hello you two! How was your first night?”

“Great! I’ve never slept so well!” Teddy beamed.

Brendan chuckled. “I had to scream at him to get him to wake up.”

Damien rolled his eyes. “I have to do that everyone morning for Cameron. He sleeps like a dead dragon. C’mon then. Let’s go to breakfast.” They plodded after him as he led them up to the Great Hall.

Teddy looked up. The ceiling was cloudy.

“Will we be getting our timetables today, Damien?” Teddy asked him.

Damien nodded as they sat down. “Professor Longbottom will give it to you. There he is now.” He pointed down the Hufflepuff table to Neville who was bending over Clara Parsons and Clover Yates, tapping his wand to blank timetables.

Just as Teddy started to help himself to some food, owls flew in through the open windows and dropped packages, parcels and letters to their receivers.

The Potter family owl, Honker, landed in front of Teddy, carrying three letters. Teddy tore the first one open.

Dear Teddy,

We hope you enjoyed your first night at Hogwarts. It really is a spectacular place! Professor McGonagall sent your grandmother an owl informing her of which House you had been sorted in. Congratulations on being a Hufflepuff! We are very proud of you and we hope you have made some great friends.

Victoire is missing you very much, as are we, but I’m sure she will tell you that herself.

Oh, I forgot to tell you, I left four presents in your trunk but I would like James to have them after you leave Hogwarts as I think he would put them to better use than Albus or Lily. Of course, if James doesn’t want them, you are welcome to have them.

Lots of Love,

Harry, Ginny and co.

Teddy grinned and opened the next one.

Dear Teddy,

I miss you so much already! I’m so proud of you for being sorted into Hufflepuff! As you know, your mother and grandfather were both Hufflepuffs and I’m glad that you have followed in their footsteps. Promise me that you’ll eat lots, study hard and have fun with friends.

That’s all for now,

Love you very much,


Still smiling he opened the final letter.


I love you to the moon and back. I miss you very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very (that’s a lot of very’s!) much! I heard you are in Hufflepuff! Well done! Of course, I would prefer it if you had been sorted into Gryffindor because that’s the House I want to be in but I’m glad anyway. Tell me who some of your friends are and then invite them over for Christmas! I’ll tell Granny Weasley to start on the jumpers! But you’ll have to tell me what they’re like so I can tell Granny to knit pictures as well as their names.

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