Chapter 12 - Teddy

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Chapter 12! Sorry, a bit of repetitiveness in this one but I think it's okay.

Not going to tell you anymore but... QOTC (Question Of The Chapter)!

Q: Do you approve of Teddy/Victoire or do you pair Teddy with someone else???

My answer will be down in the author's note at the bottom!


Miss Weasley 

Chapter 12 – Teddy

He walked slowly back to his face, terror and worry showing clearly on his face. He plopped down between his friends and put his head on the table.

“Teddy?” Brendan said timidly, his voice the only sound in the vast hall. “What happened?”

“She’s gone.” Teddy’s words were muffled by his arms over his head. “Tori’s gone. They took her.”

“Who took her, Teddy?” Ivy asked.

Teddy lifted his head. His eyes were a bright blue and his hair was silvery-blonde. His eyes and a raging fire in them. “The Death Eaters. They have her somewhere. I’m going to find them and tear their heads off!” His voice echoed around the Great Hall, powerful and eerie.

Neville hurried down from his place at the High Table to attend to his student. “Teddy,” he started gently. “I understand how you are feeli–”


Neville wasn’t fazed. He put his face very close to Teddy’s and said, “My parents were tortured by four Death Eaters, namely Bellatrix Lestrange, when I was a baby. They were tortured to insanity. They’re still in St. Mungo’s. And when Molly Weasley killed Bellatrix, I knew from that moment on, I would be forever grateful to the Weasley family. Although my pain of Vic’s disappearance isn’t as great as yours, I still feel it and I still feel the pain of my parents. And if you think I still don’t understand then there is nothing more I can do for you,” he finished firmly.

“Sorry,” Teddy whispered. “I’m just so… so wrecked. Tori’s always been a big part of my life, and I had never imagined that I would lose her.”

“You’ll never lose her,” a sweet voice with a Greek accent spoke from above them. Teddy and Neville looked up to see a tall girl from the Ándros School of Magic standing next to them.

“Sorry if I am intruding, but I couldn’t help it. I lost my parents and my twin brother to the Death Eaters when they passed through my region. And although some days the pain is unbearable, I have wonderful friends that help me through it, and you look like your friends would too. And whatever might happen to her – what was her name? Vic – Vic will always be in your heart and your head. I’m sure you have lots of happy memories of her, yes? Well, put them to use and while you’ll still miss her, the pain will dull slightly and leave you with those memories that will last forever. My name is Sofia by the way.” With that, Sofia shot them a small smile, turned on her heel and walked back to her classmates.

Teddy stared after her. Just before she slid onto the bench he called to her, “Sofia! Thank you!” She acknowledged him with a slight nod and a wave of her hand.

Gellentarta then came through the Great Hall doors with Bill and Fleur at his heels. They both hurried over to him. Fleur had tear streaks down her face and Bill had worry showing in every action he did, down to the twitch in his fingers.

“You heard?” Bill’s voice was hushed, and even though everyone had gone back to quiet chatter after Sofia’s speech, it was easily heard.

Teddy nodded and fresh tears poured down Fleur’s cheeks. “One of zhe last zhings I said to ’er was to scold ’er moping beecause you ’ad gone to school!” she sobbed. “What am I going to do?” Bill put his arm around Fleur and she turned her face to his chest as her body shook with her sobs.

“Come on Fleur,” said Bill gently. “I’ll take you home – I mean, to Harry’s place and then come back here to do my shift of patrolling corridors.”

“Why Harry’s place?” Teddy asked.

Bill grimaced. “Ever since Vic… went, all of us have stayed there, just comforting each other. It’s an obvious attack on Harry. And Percy’s acting up to be his old self again. Ron went off at him yesterday about Fred. Anyway, I – I’ll see you around, Teddy.” Bill led Fleur out of the Hall, and Gellentarta took his place in front of everyone.

“As you might have heard, a nine-year-old girl by the name of Victoire Weasley has been taken by Death Eaters. It is as we have assumed, the Death Eaters are coming from revenge. Defence Against the Dark Arts practice will be stepped up on free nights. Professor Jones is also offering for students to come into her classes in free periods if they wish to learn more. If you are wondering about the safety of our castle, the Auror department has forces in and around the school as well as volunteers and protective charms. Please enjoy the rest of your meal.” Gellentarta’s face was impassive as he sat down beside Professor McGonagall.

Teddy cast out his acute sense from the werewolf in him, which he had been blocking off since he got to Hogwarts, to the Auror forces. He heard someone whisper, “It’s just been said on the radio, Kingsley’s making a public announcement for everyone to hear tomorrow.”

“The Weasleys have been through so much, they don’t deserve this,” said someone else.

“Walter! Helen! Stop chatting and get to work,” Harry barked, his voice taut with worry.

Someone came running up to Harry. “Sir! We saw something in the Forest! Would you like to see?”

“Lead the way,” he replied.

They were halfway across the grounds when their walking stopped.

Teddy heard Helen suck in her breath. Walter was the first to say anything, “Oh my… the Dark Mark.”


Was that a cliffhanger? I dunno but my answer to the question...

Yes, I do like Teddy and Tori but I did once read a good one-shot where Teddy and Roxanne were together and it was really good. Like really.

Anyway thanks for reading, please vote and comment your answer and if you liked this chapter!

Miss Weasley

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