Chapter 7 - Teddy

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New chapter! Yay! I'm on a roll this weekend! And I've started the next chapter of WDTFH too and I have an idea for the next chapter of this. Yeah, this is another Teddy chapter but this one is longer and hopefully more exciting. But the next chapter will definitely be Victoire because she is crucial for my idea.

I also need your help. I'm trying to figure out a cast for the next generation and I'm stuck on Lucy. I have four people left but I can't choose between them.

Here they are:

Georgie Henley

Alexis Bledel

Lucy Hale

Jane Levy

Please look at them on Google Images and tell me which one you think suites her best. Note: for Alexis Bledel, I only kept her in the running because there are a few good pictures of her. Happy browsing.

Anyway, enjoy!

Miss Weasley

Chapter 7 – Teddy

“Ivy you can’t duel Emma in Charms! You’ll lose points for Hufflepuff!” exclaimed Teddy.

But Ivy was still furious and her eyes glinted dangerously. “I’ll do what I like! And if it means sacrificing a few points, then so be it!”

“But Ivy, it won’t just be a few points, it’ll be something closer to fifty and detention,” Brendan explained.

“Don’t be such a killjoy! I want to get back at Cart for insulting me and my house – and my family!”

“Ivy,” pleaded Teddy, “if you duel her and win you’ll make all the Slytherins your enemy, not just her and her thugs. Please don’t.”

A new fire was being lit in Ivy’s eyes and it stretched over her face. “And if I back down I’ll be known as a coward! Which is what most Hufflepuffs are called! Can’t you see? I want to be different! I want to be the Hufflepuff with characteristics that could fit in any house and by doing this I become the Gryffindor lion!”

Teddy finally realised why she was so intent on doing this act of stupidity. He understood and he wanted to do the same thing. “I get it. I’m with you Ivy. I’ll take Eva if she tries a surprise attack.”

Brendan gaped at them. “Are you kidding me? Teddy, we could get expelled!”

Teddy just laughed. “No we won’t. My family will keep us in. For one, Harry Potter is my godfather and his extended family have various jobs and we are all very close. If that doesn’t work, I’ll just remind them that my great-aunt happens to be Bellatrix Lestrange. Come on Brendan, lighten up.”

“Fine,” he grumbled. “I’ll take Opal.” Teddy and Ivy cheered.

Teddy clapped him on the back. “Let’s go to Charms. Flitwick better watch out! Hufflepuffs on the warpath!”

Once, they were seated in Charms, Flitwick took the roll call quickly and then began to tell them that they would be taking notes on the incantation lumos and then they would be practising it in the last half-hour.

Emma Cart looked over her shoulder at the trio behind her and grinned evilly. Ivy glared back and Flitwick called out, “Miss Cart! Eyes on your own notes, please!”

Emma turned back reluctantly, with a muttered, “Certainly Professor.”

Finally, Flitwick told them to make themselves comfortable and practise the spell.

Ivy started to drift to the back of the room, followed by Teddy and Brendan. Emma and her friends sat down quite close to them and took their wands out. Teddy, Ivy and Brendan mirrored their actions.

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