Chapter 14 - Teddy

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Sorry this took so long! I had writer's block andd I still don't like this chaper much. Disconnected. Weird. But tell me what you think!

Thank you for your dedication,

Miss Weasley

Chapter 14 – Teddy

Teddy drifted through his classes, barely paying attention. Even though Sofia said the pain would dull, it hadn’t yet for him. Brendan and Ivy tried to help but none of them and lost someone so close to them. Andrew tried to offer words of condolence, but it was scarcely registered.

After a while, no one paid any more attention. Brendan and Ivy gave up and were always laughing with each other or with Damien and Cam if they were around and alone. Teachers stopped pitying him and gave him full homework; he had had his time for mourning, they said. Teddy didn’t care. He just wanted Tori back. Tori. Tori. The only thought through his head all day, every day. Every night he heard Brendan chatting to the other first year Hufflepuff boys but there was no pang of jealousy, just Tori.

One day, in two months after the disappearance of Tori, Teddy accidently bumped into someone in the corridors of the castle. He looked up. It was Sofia. She gazed down at him coldly. “I see you haven’t taken my advice.”

Teddy frowned. “You said the pain would dull slightly and I would be left with good memories. That’s not happening.”

Sofia sighed irritably. “You got the wrong message. I said if you allowed your friends to help you get over her abduction, you will be happier. You will grow closer after sharing something like that with them. But all you have done is pushed them away and only thought of her. You need to take your mind off her. I know you are still floundering with the news, waiting for her, but you are only a first-year. There are Aurors out there looking for her and they will find Vic. But in the meantime you have to stay with your friends and learn to protect yourself.”

Teddy thought about what she said and finally got the message she was trying to convey. “Your right. I’ve been so stupid. I barely talk any more. I can’t remember anything from my classes. I’m helpless. Anyway, thank you again, Sofia. I’ve gotta go and talk to Ivy and Brendan.” With that he dashed down to the Hufflepuff common room, where Ivy and Brendan would be.

He saw them over on the couch, parchment and quills out. Brendan saw him and nudged Ivy to get her attention. They both looked up at him, watching to see where he was going. With a pang, he realised they did this every time he walked by in his daze. He surprised them by striding straight over to them.

“Hello, Mr Lupin,” said Ivy coolly. “How nice of you to join us.” Brendan offered him a weak smile.

He smiled back. “Look guys, I’m really sorry about ignoring you for the past two months –” Merlin, it sounded so much longer when he voiced it, “– I was stupid not to accept your help and I was hoping we could be friends again?” He paused waiting for their answers. Brendan nodded vigorously but Ivy was slower to respond.

“Ivy?” Teddy asked hesitantly.

She looked up at him before breaking into a huge smile. “Of course, you idiot! Your one of my best friends!” Teddy grinned, relieved.

“Awesome. I was also wondering, since I’ve been out of it for two months can you please help me catch up on school work…?” he trailed off, unsure.

Brendan smiled. “Love to. You also have to meet the other three boys in our dorm. Dennis and Tom are really nice, but I’m not that crash-hot on Paul.”

Teddy, Brendan and Ivy talked well past the time first years usually started going to bed. Sofia came in during the late afternoon with some friends and caught Teddy’s eye across the common room and winked at him. He smiled back in thanks.

“Teddy? Are you listening? Emma Cart lost thirty points from Slytherin the other day…” Teddy turned back to the conversation, feeling lucky to have such brilliant people in his life.


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Miss Weasley

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2014 ⏰

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