Chapter 6 - Teddy

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Okay, I'm so sorry I haven't updated in forever but I hope you like this chapter even though it is really short. I just got to the last sentence and I thought that it was a good place to stop without realising how small it was. After uploading this I'm going to work on WDTFH so maybe I can upload that to. Fingers crossed! Anyway, thank you all for reading! I've got 11 votes which I'm grateful for because I didn't really expect this to take off.

So please read, comment and vote!

Miss Weasley

Chapter 6 – Teddy

“Alright, settle down now,” Neville said loudly over the babbling of the first-years. Teddy grinned quickly at Andrew who was sitting opposite him before turning to the front.

“Welcome to Herbology. This year we will be focusing on non-dangerous plants and safety procedures so no one gets hurt. Today will just be a tour of the greenhouse and what is in each one but you must do exactly as I say. I have some Mandrakes ready for the second-years and I don’t want them disturbed; it took me hours to make them stop squirming.

Anyway, this is Greenhouse One, where you will spending most of your time. On some occasions we might be in Greenhouse Two but that will be a rare occurrence. Now if you follow me, you can have a closer look at some of these plants…” Neville turned to the plant next to him.

“Now this here is a very special plant to me.” Neville pointed to what appeared to be a ball of slimy grey rat’s tails. “Can anyone guess what this is and what it does?”

Belle Hawkins’s, from Gryffindor, hand shot up.

“Miss Hawkins?”

“That would be Gillyweed, sir. It allows you to grow gills and webbed limbs for an amount of time, depending on how much you eat,” Belle answered promptly.

Neville grinned. “Correct. Take five points. Ten points to anyone who knows why it’s special to me. Teddy?”

“Because when you were in your fourth year at Hogwarts, the Triwizard Tournament was on and Harry was one of the competitors. Dobby the house-elf, who is now dead, gave him this to survive. It’s also special to you because Dobby rescued Luna from the Malfoy’s cellar and she was the first real person that truly believed in you.” Teddy smiled quickly. “You know, sir, you really shouldn’t ask me. You and Luna have told me all of this.”

“True, true,” said Neville, “but true to my word, ten points to Hufflepuff.” And the lesson continued: talking about all sorts of plants and herbs used in potions, healing and some that Harry, Ron and Hermione had used in their day.

After an hour-and-a-half, the first-year Hufflepuffs and Gryffindors headed up to the castle to wash off quickly before going to their next lesson before lunch, which was History of Magic for the Hufflepuffs.

Teddy found this very convenient as coming straight from Herbology he was very tired and History of Magic was a great subject to catch his breath for a moment. After that, History of Magic seemed to drag on with Professor Binns droning voice lulling them into a stupor. Finally they were dismissed for lunch and the Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs hurried down to the Great Hall so they wouldn’t miss out.

Teddy, Brendan and Ivy all sat down together and were joined by Ivy’s cousin Heather Carlson and her friend Janine Cavelyn. Teddy noticed Damien sitting further up the Hufflepuff table and waved at him but Damien just smiled briefly then turned back to the person next to him. He felt disappointed but then realised that he probably didn’t want to be seen with him.

“Teddy? Earth to Teddy? Teddy!” shouted Ivy, earning a few dirty looks.

“What?” Teddy asked surprised.

“I was asking you what we had next,” she said.

“Oh. Um, Charms I think. With the Slytherins.”

“Oh, goody,” Ivy hissed. “I want to kick some Slytherin butt. Especially those three girls Emma Cart, Eva Grimm and Opal Lloyd. They tried to hex me on the way to breakfast this morning because I was tying my shoelace.” Ivy was seething.

Suddenly a hissing voice spoke from behind them, “We were only trying to decrease the population of rats in this school, Meadowes.” The five Hufflepuff first years turned to see Emma Cart glaring down at them, with Eva and Opal standing behind her, on the lookout for any suspicious teachers. “But then we realised that it might take a while to exterminate the whole Hufflepuff house.”

Ivy growled. “I think you mean the Slytherin house Cart. They’re the rattiest bunch ever seen. Have you seen Luis Flint’s face? It’s like a twisted mongoose!”

“Well, aren’t you lucky that we have Charms next? You can take all your anger out in a little duel with me. But then, being a half-breed, you probably wouldn’t know any spells would you?” Emma retaliated before stalking off with Eva and Opal in tow.

You watch your back Cart!


Thank you and I hoped you liked it!

Miss Weasley

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