Chapter 5 - Victoire

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So Victoire is on this chapter so again it will be shorter, sorry about that. Ugh... storm at the moment. I hate lightning. The thunder's okay; it can't hurt you.

Thanks to anonymous for the book cover. Read the author's note on chapter 8 of WDTFH for more details and results of the competition or better yet, read chapter 8! This is dedicated to @TeaPartyAtMidnight for their entry which came second.

Anyway, enjoy,

Miss Weasley

Chapter 5 – Victoire

Victoire drew her knees up to her chest and sighed. Today was a very sighy day for Victoire; the pain of loneliness still hung in the air although it was obvious that her siblings were oblivious. Dominique was rolling around on the floor (as you do) and Louis was gurgling happily in his cot in the corner.

Just then Fleur walked in from the kitchen. “Victoire,” she said firmly. Victoire looked up at her mother. “Do not seet around on zhe couch all day. Eet ees not good for your ‘ealth. Get up and do somezhing.”

“But –”

“No buts! I know zhat you are sad about Teddy leaving but you can’t just mope around for a ‘ole year while ‘e’s gone! Go out and play Quidditch or somezhing! Teach Dominique ‘ow to play! Go see Molly or Brook! I’m sure even your Nana Molly would be glad to see you. Just do somezhing!” Fleur whirled around and marched back to the kitchen as Bill came through to the living room.

“Vic,” Bill said gently. “Your mother didn’t mean it like that. She just doesn’t like to see you sitting around like a broken puppet. You know her; always have to be up and about doing something. But she’s right, you can’t sit here and wait for him. How about I call a family gathering at the Potter’s place? You’ll feel better with your family beside you. I’ll invite Andromeda too, she’ll be feeling the same as you. I can ask if we can play a bit of Quidditch, if you want. Oh, I forgot to tell you! Charlie’s home for a bit!”

That got Victoire up. “Uncle Charlie’s here? Can we go see him? Please?”

“Only if you cheer up,” Bill negotiated.

Victoire scowled at her father. “What? Do you think I was faking before? I want to go see Uncle Charlie!” At the last sentence, her voice rose and she seemed to glow with power.

“Merlin, Vic! You don’t need to go all Veela on me!” Bill pretended to shield his eyes.

“Sorry, dad,” Victoire muttered.

“It’s okay, sweetie. I’ll just send a Patronus to Harry and ask and then to everyone else.” Bill stood up and drew his wand. “Expecto Patronum!” A graceful wolf leapt from the end of the wand and stood in front of Bill. “Go to Harry Potter. Ask him if we can have a family gathering at his place. Vic’s lonely. Once you reply we’ll send the message to everyone else.” The wolf nodded and leapt up and disappeared mid-jump.

“Right,” said Bill, placing his wand back in his jeans. “Now we wait. Actually no, Vic, go get a bag ready. Pack a spare change of clothes; you never know what’ll happen at a Weasley reunion, get your broom – the fake one not the real one – and anything else you might need. I’ll get Dom and Lou ready.”

Victoire nodded and bounded up the stairs. She packed as her father had asked plus her copy of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by Newt Scamander and her book on dragons that Charlie had bought her for her birthday last year. Charlie and Victoire were particularly close because of their liking for dragons and magical creatures and they loved to have long chats about them.

“Victoire!” her mother’s voice floated up the stairs. “We are leaving! Come quickly!”

As soon as Victoire was back in the lounge room, Fleur handed her some Floo Powder. She threw it into the flames and shouted, “Potter Place!”

She saw her father’s kind face one last time before she was tugged away.


Short and sweet (I hope!)! Like it? Please comment, I would love to hear from you.


Miss Weasley

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