Chapter 3 - Victoire

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So, as this one is about Victoire, the chapter will be smaller. Remember competition is still on! Info on my profile page!

Hope you like it,

Miss Weasley

Chapter 3 – Victoire

Victoire sighed and rolled over in her bed at Shell Cottage. Usually her bed was soft and comfy but tonight it felt lumpy and cold. She missed Teddy. Badly. It hadn’t even been a day and already she felt the loneliness coming in waves.

Louis woke up in his room next door and started screaming for their mum, Fleur. Victoire pulled her pillow over her head with a sigh. Now it was too quiet, too muffled but when she put her pillow back it was louder than before; Fleur was walking along the corridor in a sleepy, groggy state, Dominique had started calling out for Bill and Bill had responded by thumping down the hallway to her room.

Ugh, Victoire thought, how I hate two-year-olds. And newborns. And not being able to sleep. And not being able to see Teddy. And –

“Stop it,” Victoire told herself. “That’s not going to help.”

She clambered out of her bed and walked to the little desk her Grandpa Weasley had put together for her. Victoire picked up her favourite quill and found a roll of parchment and began to write.

Dear Teddy,

No, to formal.


I miss you

No, that’s too depressing to start a letter.


I love you to the moon and back. I miss you very much!

No, he probably already knows that. She needed to imply it more.

She wrote and wrote and wrote until she had many pieces of parchment littered around her with things she wanted to say but didn’t fit in a letter.

Victoire sighed and laid down her quill. She decided to leave it for the morning. By then her parents would know where Teddy had been sorted into, so she could write to him about that too.

Finally, she scrambled back into bed and at last, fell asleep.


Hope it was alright! Let me know what you think! Please enter the competition, I really hate the cover at the moment!!

Thanks for reading,

Miss Weasley

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