Chapter 8 - Victoire

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Yay! New chapter! And Victoire's back! I think you'll like this chapter! Let me know what you think.

Miss Weasley

Chapter 8 – Victoire

When Victoire stopped spinning from travelling by Floo Powder, she fell promptly on her face. Onto tiles. Which Victoire thought strange as the Potter’s had carpet in front of their fireplace.

But that was pushed out of her mind as a trickle of blood made its way out of her nose. Victoire sat up and held a hand to her nose. That was when she realised that the room she was in wasn’t the friendly living room of the Potter’s but a dark room shrouded in shadows.

Victoire felt suddenly scared as figures moved out of the dark and stalked forward menacingly. She shakily drew her wand and laughs from the people that were approaching her echoed around the room.

“Look at zhe little baby!” A voice rang out. The accent was so like her mother’s that Victoire shook.

Finally, the people moved into patches of light and Victoire saw masked faces and pointed wands. The centre person walked forward and Victoire instantly recognised them as the leader of this masked group.

“Hello Victoire Weasley,” a male voice with a heavy Greek accent said. “Welcome.”

“W-who are you?” stammered Victoire.

The man chuckled deeply. “I doubt that you will be alive for much longer so Victoire, my name is Vassilis Paleocostas.”

Victoire gaped. “B-but, you were in the paper. You escaped from a prison in Greece.”

“Ah, Spíti tou Poinikoú. That prison… Never mind, now Victoire Weasley, you will be staying in our humble house for a while.”

“Where am I?” she asked, hugging herself tightly.

Paleocostas scoffed. “Like I’m going to tell you that. But I’ll tell you a little about my group. We follow a master who is dead but we have a plan to get him back. No, not fully, but his spirit, I suppose, and then he will rule us once again and we will faithfully serve him. Do you know who we are?”

“You’re Death Eaters,” Victoire guessed.

The man nodded. “Correct. Now, Alket, take the girl to the dungeons and give her a proper welcome.” The Death Eaters cackled with laughter as Paleocostas drew back and another person strode forward.

This person pointed their wand at Victoire and, before she could do anything, the person had muttered in a deep voice, “Incarcerous.” Victoire found herself bound with ropes.

She yelled and struggled as the man said, “Locomotor Girl,” and she found herself floating in the air as the man moved towards the doorway.

The man travelled through a maze of rooms and doorways until he finally halted and Victoire drifted to a stop in front of a foreboding-looking door with a glowing snake etched onto it.

With a mutter of words from Victoire’s captor the door swung open revealing a dark dungeon-like room, much like all the others, with a ragged blanket and a dog food bowl sitting on the floor.

Victoire was thrust through the door roughly and landed heavily on the blanket. Winded, she turned around to face the man to find his wand pointed at her face.

“P-please don’t hurt me,” she whimpered in fright.

The man grinned evilly, exposing a mouth of dirty yellow teeth. “Manners won’t help you here, pretty. You have no idea what’s in store for you. But I think we’ll start with a simple spell, shall we? Hmm… Crucio!” he yelled. Victoire screamed as pain over-took her. She writhed all over the cold floor, desperate to be free of the sensation that spread through her body.

Briefly, the pain stopped and Victoire panted on the floor in shallow breaths. But the pain came again and it was no use to try and stop it. This happened again and again until she felt herself losing consciousness.

The man chuckled and strode to the door, shutting it behind him. “Colloportus,” he said to seal the door shut. That was the last thing Victoire heard before the black spots ebbed together to cover her vision.


Dun-dun-dah! Sorry about the torturing part on a nine-year-old, but I thought as they're Death Eaters, that's how they would do things. And I chose Victoire because she has links to Hogwarts and Harry but not really close that she would be suspicious. Please comment your thoughts!

Miss Weasley

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