5:Meeting the clients

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hiya guys, I've realized that my chapters are quite short. so from now on, I'm gonna try write them longer. I hope you're all enjoying my story so far. I'm actually quite happy with my previous chapter. I really like writing these stories, so i hope you like reading them too :) if you want me to write anything dedicated to you, just simply comment. If you have an awesome idea, tell me too! :D Angela.

P.S there are some stuff related to business/financial things in the chapter below...I'm not all that experienced...so I'm going to make some up ok. this chapter is going to be iiiiiinteresting! :D

John was awoken by the loud ring of the door bell, it was followed by Mrs Hudson called out, "Boys! You've got a client!" John rose out of bed, and got changed. He reached the living room, and found that Sherlock, still in his dressing gown, was chatting to his client. The client was a young woman, around the age of 17. Brown hair, green eyes, a little chubby, round face, long nose.

"Mr Holmes! I'm worried that my boyfriend is cheating on me with a 'ole lot of other girls!"

"What makes you think that, Hannah?" asked Sherlock. He wasn't even focussed on his client, his blue-green eyes were staring into space, while doing the "hand" thing that he constantly makes whilst thinking - but it was definite, that he was not at all interested. The tone in his voice, his unfocussed eyes, facials all show it.

"Ohhh, he's got many female contacts, who he regularly texts, he's always laughing at jokes my girl classmates make, oh its horrible to see-"

"..... I suggest you have a "talk" to your boyfriend. Or just dump him."

"Mr Holmes, but I love-"

"Oh. Love. Dull. Well obviously you don't want to get heartbroken. Do whatever it takes. Good day. Good bye. The door's that way." Sherlock pointed towards the exit. He had no emotion in his face. Hannah was about to argue back, but stopped, feeling rejected and exited the flat.

"Well that was a bit harsh. wasn't it?"

"John, you and I know full well that I never take those sort of cases."

Within five minutes, the doorbell rang again. The second client of the day had arrived. This time, it was a rich tall middle-aged man, wearing a grey suit, with a brown tie. His accent was posh, well, everything about him was, walking style, sitting style etc.

"Mr. Sherlock Holmes?" his eyes were flicking between Sherlock and John. Sherlock stepped forward and shook the man's hand. "Yes I am. You're Mr. Rogers. Please, take a seat."

"Indeed I am, Mr. Holmes, thank you." said the posh man, as he sat down. Sherlock sat too.

"What is it that you need, Mr. Rogers?" Sherlock was staring at the man, while doing his "hand" thing.

"You see, Mr. Holmes. I own an electronics company. Last week our company took out a cheque of $32k to buy another business into our wing. My client is in charge of the money. But that client, has somehow...lost the money.....and......" Sherlock was beginning to lose focus again. He was really not hooked into this case as well, and he felt no sympathy towards the man who had just lost a large amount of money."...so would it be possible if you could give us a helping hand?"

"I'm afraid that I can't take your case."

"Mr. Holmes! We can pay you for your assistance! However much you'd like!"

"Hmm, neh. I refuse. Good morning, bye!" Sherlock flicked his hand, as a sign of 'please leave'.

Mr. Rogers's face grew red with anger. He was furious. "How dare you-"

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