3:The Museum Trip

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Sherlock and John arrived at the museum in 10 minutes by cab. When they arrived, Sherlock led John into the museum, and straight up to the reception, where Sherlock asks, "Hello! I'm here to ask about the case of the stolen sword? Is there anything you can tell me?"

The reception replied, "Are you with the police?"

"Yes, well, sort of," replied Sherlock, his baritone voice sounding bored. Dull question.

"Oh, okay. Well, I don't know much. You want to know where it's kept? To be honest, I don't even know! This museum is very big, and the sword display room is at the back of the museum somewhere. But I know someone who may be able to help you two. You see that security guard there? Hey, George!" the receptionist called out, to the guard. The guard was a tall, young, lanky, blonde guy. "George, could you please help these gentlemen, and show them where the sword display room is?" 

George simply replied with "Sure"

As the guard led the two, Sherlock started a conversation. "So, George, you must know the place quite well?" 

"Well, yes. I've worked here for four years, and none other staff knows the way around here as much as I do." George answered, with pride. 

"Ah, right." Sherlock replied, with a smirk.

They walked in silence for the next minute, until they reached their destination. "Well, here you are, guys. Do you still need my help?"

"No, thanks. This will do." answered the monotone Sherlock.

After the guard was out of site. Sherlock started to chuckle. "Ohh, stupid, stupid, stupid!"

John gave Sherlock a confused frown. "Who?"

"Oh John your brain is so slow! Ohhhh haha! That man, was the murderer. How did I know? Oh it was all so simple. His shoes, are covered with sand. The same type of sand. Rocky and lumpy. His hands, well, fingertips, are still slightly stained with blood. Oh some people are so careless, they never notice the small things that give themselves away! There were a few droplets of blood stained onto his collar too. I actually only needed to look at his shoes, but those other evidences were present, which contributes as proof to my idea. And, whats better, he is the only one that knows this museum quite well. Oh the chap seemed so proud of himself. By the way, he's on drugs as well, did you see his bloodshot eyes? John it's all so simple!"

"Sherlock, I lost it at shoes. You speak too fast sometimes."

Then, Sherlock ruffled John's hair. It took John by surprise. "Well what was that for?"

"Sometimes...John, you seem like a lost child."

"You don't sound like you."

They stared intensely into each other eyes, but was broken when Sherlock shrugged and turned away take out his mobile to check a a text he just recieved. 

It was from Lestrade.

Met her parents. They said that he's a strange man. A bit obsessive over historic knights and swords, strange, must be related to the sword case! Abusive to Catherine, hence the bruises. Catherine is the murdered victims name. Catherine Linsay. They said Catherine came home one night, crying because her boyfriend refused to end the relationship, and gave her threats.

Sherlock replied:

Found the man. Museum -SH

Within 10 minutes, Lestrade and his men arrived. Arrested the guilty security guard, George.

"Sherlock!" Lestrade called out to Sherlock, just before he and John exited the museum.


"Thanks..for helping out again."

"It's what I do." he said swiftly, and turned walked away. Leaving John, still standing with Lestrade. The two gave each other blank looks.

"I guess he means you're welcome." John laughed, and he too, walked away.


While walking down the street of the museum, Sherlock's stomach grumbled loudly. John stopped and giggled slightly, "You hungry, Sherlock?" Sherlock's face flushed red. He quickly turned looked away from John, to avoid the sign of his embarrassment being seen. "Slightly."

"Well, then. Dinner, Sherlock?"

Sherlock turned around and looked at John. Grinned. "Okay."

well, did you like that? that was just a small case that occured to break Sherlock's bored. YES I know I didn't explain why the girl was murdered. but that's coming up in the next chapter. 

this chapter was published before, but I accidentally deleted it (IKR OMG WTF AYE) but anyway, I hope you're enjoying this! please COMMENT, VOTE or SHARE or FOLLOW! till the next time, Angela. :)


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