14: There can only be one winner

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"Surprise, surprise!"

Sherlock was actually infact surprised. He didn't expect Moriarty would be here, yet. He got his hopes up thinking that he'd be able to save John, but now they were crushed,

"Well? What are you standing there for, Sherlock? Are you ready?"

Sherlock turned down his coat collar and sat on the seat opposite Moriarty. A neatly set out chess board was placed on the dusty desk in between the two men. Sherlock was white, Moriarty was black. Sherlock starts first.

--John's POV--

John had woken from a light sleep feeling worse than before. His body was aching, he felt dehydrated and hungry. His eyes felt so heavy and they stung. He tried to position himself for more comfort. "God..." he moaned and squeezed his eyes shut, no point opening them anyway, nothing to see. Well. Day 2 of being trapped. John tried to fall asleep because that was the only way he could escape the boredom and depressing situation that he is in. Only a few minutes past when the screen flickered on, the light was blinding for John, since he was in the dark for so long "For God's sake." and he squinted at the screen.

His squinting eyes suddenly widened as he saw that Sherlock on was onscreen! He saw Sherlock sitting at that desk facing Moriarty. What are they doing? John edged closer to the screen, rubbing his eyes and looking more carefully. "Is that a, what is it, a chess b- are they playing chess?"

For John, this was somewhat entertaining. Although one thing that bothered him was that he couldn't see Sherlock's face, only Moriarty's. The smirk on Moriarty's face was annoying. He tried to ignore the criminal's face by staring at Sherlock. Sherlock's hair. It looked messy, "he obviously hadn't been brushing it again. He probably didn't sleep last night either." John thought and then paused. "For me?"

He pushed away that thought and focused on the game. He couldn't see who was winning, but he could see something else. Sherlock was constantly tapping his feet. He never does that, John thought it odd. So for the next minute. he was distracted by Sherlock Holmes's feet tapping. It was like some pattern. A bit like morse code.

That was when John's mouth turned into a perfect O. "It is morse code! Clever Sherlock, haha! What is he trying to tell me?"

Sherlock's tapping would pause for 5 seconds after a period, so John waited for that. After that period, the tapping would start again, that was when John started reading what Sherlock was trying to communicate.

John realized what Sherlock was tapping out, "John."

--Back to Sherlock--

Moriarty was good and the game was going slow. Neither of them talked. Normally when Sherlock played board games with John or.. Mycroft there'd be a lot of chit chat, well, with Mycroft it was just a whole load of "I'm smarter than you" talk. Sherlock still believes he is smarter than Mycroft.

It was an intense game. Both sides thought very carefully about each and every move.

The smartest criminal verses the smartest detective, and there can only be one winner.

short chapter I know.

does anyone even read this fanfic?

please vote/comment if you like it :D

because I don't know whether I should continue this...

thanksss :D

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