11: Nothing

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Silence invaded the room, as Sherlock turned to stare at Moriarty with blue eyes.

"What do you mean..nothing?" asked Sherlock, tempting to hide his confusion.

"I mean nothing....as in beating you." replied Moriarty, with a smirk.

"How's that nothing?"

"Because if I beat you. I get nothing. If you win, I'll still have something...-"

"Heh. Isn't something better? For you? You won't get bored...the consulting criminal..can still do the things he enjoys..murders and...hmm, I'd get nice juicy murders for Christmas." Sherlock shrugged. "Fantastic."

Moriarty laughed and began walking around Sherlock. "Yes, of course! But if I continue with the same job..over and over again, I'll get bored. I'll be versing Sherlock Holmes forever....boring! Ahh okay, not really, but it's not..great to stay on one person you know..what I mean? Better to move on soon than later."

"How are you going to win?" Sherlock asked, he tried to speak in a very emotionless tone. He didn't want to sound needy or desperate because those feelings would just let Moriarty have more fun.

"By you never finding John, obviously, it's hide and seek remember. Do I need to repeat the rules?"

Sherlock didn't respond. There was no talking between the two men for several minutes.

"Tell me Moriarty, if John isn't in here then where else could he be? You wouldn't let him off or go anywhere alone or without you because he'd go for help and remember ...John was a soldier."

Moriarty grinned impressed at Sherlock's realization. "Hmmmm.....then, where is he?" he spread his arms out, "It's a empty room."

Sherlock didn't respond again, just stared around the empty room. There was more to this empty room and Sherlock was sure of it. Another secret compartment? His eyes observed the room, trying to seek out any little detail that's out of place......


John leaned uncomfortably against the wall, the confined cupboard gave him no space to sit down or barely move. He watched the mini television stuck to the wall infront of him play the live cam of Sherlock and Moriarty outside. John couldn't hear anything, so to him it just looked like they were having a conversation. Moriarty looked like as if he was introducing Sherlock the room, and then Sherlock was looking around the room... John watched as Sherlock's eyes swept the room and in the end stopping at him. Or really, at the camera. John Watson prayed that Sherlock would realise it was a camera. He tried to  make some noise by kicking at the wall as hard as he could, but it only resulted in his foot hurting. Sherlock and Moriarty didn't seem like they heard anything. "Damn." cursed John. He wondered if trying to shout Sherlock's name out was a good idea. John was scared, what would happen if he did something wrong? He reached in his pocket for his phone, but found it wasn't there. He cursed again, as he realised he left it back at the flat......

He watched as Moriarty stepped closer to Sherlock and said something, which caused Sherlock to turn his back to John. John's heart began to beat faster with panick as he saw that Sherlock was walking towards the exit....that was when John yelled "SHERLOCK!"


Sherlock looked around the room, seeking out for odd things. His eyes paused on the old radio which was playing classical music before. His eyes narrowed as he observed it. It was a small cuboid shaped radio. It had two speakers, some control buttons and showed the time. Sherlock was about to give up on it, until he realised something. It was a miniature dot inbetween the volume tuner and the channel buttons. To Sherlock, it looked very out of place. Could it be a mic? he thought, but he very quickly realised that this type of radio is not compatible with.................................must be a camera.

 DAMN. It was so hard writing this chapter. My head hurts from thinking too much. I think it's alright.... :\ But are you guys liking it so far? AND OMG, CAN'T BELIEVE THIS STORY HAS REACHED 1000 VIEWS....THANK YOU...SO...MUCH!! I LOVE YOU GUYS. I know  my grammar isn't that good....please tell me!! And if you could give me some advice on the story would be AWESOME.

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