15: For John

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Hey all, it's been sooo long since I've updated I'm so sorry! Here's the next chapter :) by the way idk how to play chess so some of the chess moves I write down here is probably wrong haha and this is really stupid so yeah I'm sorry I don't even know what im writing anymore.

Sherlock stared at the chess board, he could feel Moriarty's eyes on him, his heart beats rapidly. Only a few correct moves left, one wrong move could mean...

Minutes passed the game was almost over, if Sherlock could only take out Moriarty's King.

Panic spread through Sherlock, his eyes scanning the chess board as fast as possible.

//John's POV//

John watched the screen nervously, even though he couldn't see Sherlock's face, he could tell he was struggling. He was praying Sherlock would win. Well, Sherlock better win because he's Sherlock. Right? Always the smartest man in the room. Always has to be.

John sighs to himself. Closed his eyes for a moment. Was he holding back some tears? No, he was just..tired.

He resumed to the screen, only to find them two standing up.

Moriarty with his usual grin, then he held out his hand and began to talk. Sherlock didn't receive the handshake, he just stared at Moriarty. Moriarty stopped talking, but he did not put down his hand. Sherlock needed to shake with him.

"What are you doing Sherlock...?" John whispered, knowing very little of what's actually happening outside.


"Ahahaha, well Sherlock! Wasn't that a great game?" Moriarty stood up. Sherlock followed. "You know what happens now right?" He held out his hand. "Yes?"

Sherlock didn't answer. He was very disappointed in himself. He actually though that'd he'd win. He felt his eyes stinging, blinked multiple times, and looked at Moriarty. But he still didn't say anything. He felt a bit faint, this was unusual. The room felt 10 degrees colder and his mind was buzzing with thoughts.  It can't end like this, Sherlock Holmes can't let Moriarty take his blogger?

"Don't leave me hanging, Sherlock! Well?"



"I said no. No you can't take John, no you can't win."

And with that, Sherlock flung the chessboard (which was wooden) as hard as he could at Moriarty's head.

And knocked him out.

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