13:Finding John

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Ugh, are you guys liking it so far? Please comment your thoughts :)!!!!! I REALLY WANT SOME ADVICE and I'm really struggling right now. Please tell me if you like it or not, thankyou!-Angela

Sherlock's eyes showed an emotion Mrs Hudson's never seen before. And that was, sadness, lonliness, hoplessness. They for that moment were not the normally emotionless eyes of the consulting detective, they were the eyes of a little boy, a scared one. And then he closed them. "Mrs Hudson, I need to be alone."

"Yes! Yes, yes. I'll-I'll go and ah, do the washing. Bye bye, Sherlock!" just before she left the room she turned to look at the concentrating Sherlock. She was very concerned for the poor boy. If only she could assist him, but oh..what could an old lady like me do? She wished she was 20 years younger. 

Sherlock sat on his armchair. Hands in his normal thinking position. He needed to think about chess and well, Moriarty and John. It wasn't the first time he's deleted something important from his mind. He's easily retreived the deleted info in the past. All he needs to do is focus. And, well, he  needs a chess board.

For the next two hours, Sherlock Holmes sat motionless on the armchair, a chess board was on the table infront of him. All the pieces were set out perfectly. He stared at it. He tried mentally playing the game,  Sherlock scratched his curls and rubbed his face. Sigh.

And for the next hour, he played chess with himself. He played a few games and is feeling very confident now. Halfway through his 4th game, the clock striked midnight. Then, he thought about John. Where was he? The flat felt so empty without John. Where could Moriarty have taken John? As all these...John questions raced through his head, Is he hurt? Will he be okay? Oh God, where is he? Where's my blogger... What has Moriarty done to him? ....John??? .....John....?? and he slammed a chess piece down hard.

It was 3am in the morning, now it was Sherlock's 21st game. Mrs Hudson had came in at 1 to see if any dishes needed cleaning, but found that Sherlock hadn't had any food. Nor has he moved. She tried to reassure him, John will be okay, please Sherlock get some sleep. Please leave me alone, he said. So Mrs Hudson walked off, her worry for Sherlock and John intensified.

5am. That's it. No more games of chess. God, his head hurt. He leaned back on the armchair, closed his eyes and resumed his thinking. Where would John be... Sherlock was pretty sure John was still in there. That room. There could have been a..oh. Yes, oh stupid, stupid, stupid! SECRET ROOM. He's seen plenty of those through out his many cases and for some reason he didn't think about it this time! But, what about the camera. The camera he'd seen on the radio. What could it have been for? Sherlock ruffled his hair again and rubbed his forehead. It could mean nothing. Or it could mean someone else is looking at him. But who else would be looking at them? John? Oh, John...Johnny..John..J..o...h...n

7:30am. Sherlock wrenched awake. Oh God, he'd fallen asleep. He sat up. Someone had put a blanket over him. "John?" he called out, his voice was muffled from sleep.

"Dear, dear Sherlock. It's me." replied a feminine voice, which belonged to none other than Mrs Hudson.

"Wha-" Sherlock struggled to get his words correct, since he was half unconscious still. Mrs Hudson handed him a hot cup of tea. "Oh, thank you."

"How late did you stay up?"

Sherlock took a sip of tea, rubbed his eyes and sighed. "Uh-"

"Sherlock." Mrs Hudson asked in a very worrying voice, "is there anything I could do to help? Anything, my heart aches looking at you like this, please look after yourself....and I want to help you find John, if there's anything at all that I could do, just tell me. I know he's very important to you-"

"Mrs Hudson, n-not in-in that way." Sherlock cut in, he quickly looked down at his cup of tea because well, he didn't want to admit it to himself, he was blushing. That's never happened before. Well, okay once. Once! That time when Irene Adler had hacked his phone and oh Jesus Christ! Why was he blushing for John. Oh, it must be the sleep. Yes, it's the sleep. Obviously. It's not like he -- Sherlock cut off his own thoughts.

There were some silence between them.

But Sherlock broke it by asking, "Mrs Hudson, could you...I mean, do you want to play a game of chess.. with me?"

"Of course, Sherlock. Though I'm pretty sure I will lose!"


And Mrs Hudson was right. Sherlock had won. Easily.

"Good lord. You are good. Well, I'm not surprised though!" giggled Mrs Hudson, but her laughter soon vanishes as Sherlock had not said anything. "You okay Sherlock?"

Sherlock didn't reply. He's staring into space with his chin resting against his hands. He had resumed to his train of thoughts he had before he nodded off. Yes, he was sure John was in that room. I'll have to get him out. Moriarty hasn't notified Sherlock anything, so he must get back there before he does get notified. 


Sherlock gulped down the rest of the tea, jumped off the armchair and raced towards the exit. 

"Sherlock! Where are you going now?" 

"Find John, Mrs Hudson! Find John."

He flew down the stairs and called for a taxi, yelled the address and off he went.


It was a 20 minute ride because there were many traffic jams, as there were many people trying to get to work at this time of hour. This made Sherlock very impatient, the taxi driver wasn't too happy. "Look I know you're in a hurry, but I can't do anything about this traffic! So please! Be patient."

"I'm in a hurry to save someones life, if you don't mind Mr Taxi driver who's had too many drinks last night, since your girlfriend dumped you and has kicked you out because you've been gambling too much AND you've lost a good job opportunity." Sherlock had enough of the taxi driver's talking back.

"How did you-"

"Nevermind how did I know-- And I can see you're either very unexperienced with the fast ruotes or you're deliberately pissing me off because you were supposed to take a left at that last intersection but you haven't and now you're taking a longer ruote, you're wasting time! Turn right here. Either you drive faster or shove off and let me drive."

The taxi driver seems to have heard Sherlock clearly as he is now no longer saying anything and is following Sherlock's orders.


When they got to Sherlock's destination, the detective flung some money onto the front seat and hopped off the car. He ran into the garage, clicked the secret switch and descended into the trap room below. He opened the door to the small room he and Moriarty had last met, his heart pounding, he was so close to finding John now. So close.

He ran inside. But to his surprise, someone else was waiting for him.

"Well, well, well, Sherlock! Oh! I sound like such a cliche villain. Anyway, you weren't expecting me this morning were you? You ready for the game? Here, sit down."

That someone, was Moriarty.

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