7:First Round

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Hiya guys. Sorry for taking so long. Been busy. So how are you guys liking it so far? Hope you guys ARE liking it…. Anyway, please vote and comment? I’d really love some suggestions or advice…etc I will dedicate a chapter to you if you give me a really good suggestion :) so please COMMENT x and VOTE! This might be a bit short. Sorry ~ NOTE: imagine that it's actually Moriarty, Sherlock and John talking. I tried really hard to not make it OOC (out of character)

:D Angela.

It was around an hour later when the taxi reached their destination. Sherlock Holmes exited the car, glanced around and hurried into the large building. The first thing he saw upon entering was a large corridor, and at the end of the corridor was a door. He looked cautiously around seeing if any of his men were going to jump out and attack him. Sherlock reached the door, and leaned against it listening for any sounds....sounds of John being tortured or...? No....there were no sounds except for slow footsteps.


Inside the storage building, Moriarty was growing really impatient. An hour of his valuable time was wasted. The consulting criminal’s head was bursting with thoughts and plans. He really wanted to see Sherlock Holmes’s facial expression when something happens to his dear Johnny boy….something bad…? No! Or John’s face when his dear Sherlock is hurt? No, maybe. Although all those ideas were swimming around in his mind, Moriarty couldn’t arrange them. It’s just like having a million dollars and not knowing what to do with the lot.  He strolled round and round in circles, with his hands behind his back. John, however, was more tolerant with the immense boredom they shared. The army doctor just lay there on the ground not moving, even though his back was getting stiff from lack of movement and the uncomfortable-ness of the hard surface. In his mind, he knew Sherlock will come for him; it was both a good and bad thing. Good because then he’ll be saved. Hallelujah. Bad? Cause John didn’t want Sherlock to be in danger or get hurt…or even worse…..no don’t go there. John shook the negative thoughts out of his head. Negative thoughts aren’t going to him now…is it? But then will positive ones? The thoughts of both men were broken by Sherlock entering the room.

Moriarty stood still. John turned around and faced the new incomer. They had mutual expressions on their face. Eyes wide, mouths in the shape of “O” and eyebrows raised high.

“Well, well, well. Sherlock. Hi!” Moriarty stepped forward and waved.

“You let John go.” Sherlock replied, ignoring the greet Moriarty gave.

“Oh no. Sorry, Sherlock. No can do. Well, yet...”

“Sorry, what exactly is going on?” cut in John.

“John. Moriarty wants to play a game of Hide and Seek. “

“Yeap, he told me.” Then, John’s brows furrowed, he was puzzled. “What. So that’s it?” Moriarty chuckled at John’s confusion and inability to understand that when a criminal, especially one like Moriarty, wants to play hide and seek with you, it’s going to be…different.

“Yes, that’s it, well-sort of” answered Sherlock. “Do you really think he’s that simple? Come on, John. He’s altered the game, it’s all his rules.” Sherlock looked at Moriarty, dead straight in the eye. “He wants to get me running, running for what though? Oh to save his hostage, you.  John. The outcome of this game depends on whether I succeed the things he throws at me; the cases, well…riddles and puzzles more like. I’ve already solved one, which was to find this place-“

“And John lives because of you. Yes, you won this round Sherlock.“ Moriarty was clapping. This round was simple anyway. Plus, he helped Sherlock. “According to the rules, whoever was the first one found…is the seeker. Sherlock, I have a case for you, if you solve it you win again, and you shall live. But the thing is, you have to solve it before we find you, Sherlock. John and me!”

“Okay? What-“Sherlock’s brain clicked. Oh I know what case, great big clue given to me already. “I have to solve Mr. Roger’s case, oh boring..... but if I decline? What if I don’t care, because really, I don’t mind …dying.”

“You don’t? Well, there’s no way out of this game, dear. No, no. It would be no fun, if I let you two walk back out, and anyway, my game my rules. You quit, and then you all…cease to exist.” Moriarty hissed.

“All? What do you mean all?” John asked, he was terror-stricken, he actually knew what all meant at the back of his mind, but was afraid to admit the truth.

“Everyone…we care about.” answered Sherlock instead of Moriarty, for John.

“What? S-so Mrs Hudson?”





“Yes. John. All. Everyone.”

“Oh bloody hell.” John fell back onto the concrete. He was panicking; fear grew stronger and stronger inside of him, cold sweat formed on his forehead. "Why are you doing this? What's the point, Moriarty?

"We both know why I'm doing this, John."

"Oh no I don-"

"Oh yes you do. Sherlock's bored, you see it everyday, don't you? So he's bored. I'M bored too. I haven't done anything for ages! I want to...play...with you two. It's fun. I wonder what the outcome of this game is? Hm? God! Don't think negatively about this game John...Sherlock. Who knows it could...be fun!"

"Fun. FUN? Murdering, killing is FUN?" John was pissed, 'God, he's just like Sherlock.' as he had realised Holmes and Moriarty were quite alike, but the detective would find solving murders fun.

 Sherlock saw that John was scared, pissed ….and terribly uncomfortable -if only I could help with that- due to the way the doctor was laying down, his pained angry expression and of course, rope wrapped around his body so tightly…..Sherlock snapped out of his deduction, deducing John is not what he needed to be doing right now, he had lives to save. Although the consulting detective knew what he needed to do, he was feared that he might make that one teensy mistake that would modify everything. He was scared of losing John, without his loyal blogger....his friend.... the world would be much darker. Then, he thought of Mrs Hudson, and fury began to build up from the thought of anyone bringing harm to her. Sherlock will do anything to save the ones he….cares for. Caring…so sentiment, it really didn’t seem like himself. He remembered Mycroft’s words “Caring is not an advantage.”  Indeed it isn’t, and it did bother Sherlock slightly that he was starting to become sentiment, oh that word, it was such a new feeling.

“Come on lovebirds, stop STARING AT EACH OTHER. We need to stop wasting time, and Sherlock GET STARTED, YOU HAVE 3 hours for the case…before I come get YOU. By the way, taxi’s outside. See yaaa….and time’s ticking ooooooo…..” and the lights of the warehouse blacked out.

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