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yola. so did you like my previous chapter? I actually think it was alright :P I would LOVE some feedback on my work...so please comment! anyway, here's another long chapter. Please comment on my work? I would love some feedback! Sorry this one took ages, was busy.. Remember..I'm not an expert on some stuff, so if you can easily tell it's made up..please, I'm sorry.

BTW, im making the story up on the go...yeah..ikr shocking. that's why it sucks!! nah idk thats up to you.

THANKS. Angela :D         

"You can't have John."

"Oh yeeesss I can! You, Sherlock, can't do anyyyything to stop me." said the cheerful, mocking Moriarty. But in the next second, his face dropped, he no longer looked cheerful or mocking. He looked dead serious. "I am not joking. There are people within spitting distance of 221B right now who will kill you if you try to stop me.......... So! John Watson, m'boy! Come with me." Moriarty took a gun out and pointed it at John. Sherlock stepped forward, "John-"

"Ah ah ah! Don't you dare try anything." the gun was now pointing at Sherlock. Sherlock wasn't expecting Moriarty to stoop so low and use a gun to threaten him. It disappointed him, but he knew he couldn't do anything....yet. He painfully watched as Moriarty shoved John down the stairs, left 221B, got into a van and quitted Baker street.

A second after they disppeared out of Sherlock's sight, he recieved a text, from none other than Moriarty. My men have gone x -JM. He was free. But another big fear still remains. Where is Moriarty taking John? What is he going to do to John? Sherlock felt like as if he had been abandoned in a nightmare. John can't leave him, he'd be lost without his blogger! Where would Moriarty have taken John. Where......where? He entered his mind palace. Was there any clues which Moriarty could have possibly left behind? He scanned his memory. Nothing. That was impossible. This has never happened before. Sherlock looked around the room, maybe Moriarty left a clue in the room. He scrambled around the room..looking for any clues.

Alas, after a few minutes of careful observing. He found something. It was a small electricity resistor. Why would he leave this? Sherlock carefully examined it in the light. The item was light blue, with some red and brown lines running around the body of it. The colour was of no importance to Sherlock, but what caught his attention were the teeny words which were carved onto the gadget, E.R Inc. Many thoughts ran through his mind at this point. The company in which this item was made was called "E.R Inc." Why would Moriarty leave such a thing for me? E.R Inc...electronics company..perhaps. Sherlock speedily searched up the company name on his laptop and clicked open the relevant website. 

E.R Inc. Electronics Company.

CEO Edward Rogers.

Upon seeing that, Sherlock froze. "Oh...stupid, stupid, stupid. Why.." E.R Inc was run by Mr. Rogers, the client he had a brief but unpleasant encounter on earlier in the day. Sherlock hurriedly skimed the rest of the page andfound out the electronics company owned  two mini companies and a storage warehouse, oh what can we deduce about that? Many possibilities raced through his mind again, but his thinking was interuppted by a text. 

'Oh I'm getting bored. Have you figured out where we are going yet? Hm? This is a game of hide and go seek!  -JM'

Sherlock's brain was working fast, as he scanned the web page. "I need to narrow the options down. E.R Inc...locations......hmm...oh! Headquarters in Cardiff. Storage warehouse? Cardiff too. Two other small companies..nah, not important......" Sherlock knew exactly where they're taking him now. The storage warehouse. How did he know that? All from the word hide. Moriarty was evidently being impatient, since he's purposely giving so many clues. But then, doesn't most people get impatient while playing the game? 

Sherlock was going to rush out of the flat, until he realised. He wasn't changed. Remembering John's lecture of telling him to dress properly in public, he distressfully raced back into his room and got changed. Half a minute later, he rushed back out, grabbing his coat and scarf, and flew down the stairs, then out onto Baker Street. Huffing and puffing, he reached out and waved for a taxi.

He entered the taxi which stopped for him and instructed to taxi driver to drive at full speed to the train station, then flopped down onto the seat and returned to his thoughts. This was a strange case. He's never had a case much the same as this before, although Moriarty had kidnapped John once...a image of the pool side scene flashed up in Sherlock's mind. He shivered. 

It was about 20 minutes later, before Sherlock was brought back into reality because something was wrong. He looked outside the cab and his eyes widened. This was not the way to the station. Even worse, they weren't even anywhere near it. They had passed the train station about 8 minutes ago.

"Excuse me, I said train station!" Sherlock yelled at the cabbie driver, who did not reply. "Hey, excuse me. Could you please tell me where we are going? This is not-"

"Sorry, Mr. Holmes. I've gotten orders to take you to Cardiff. Free of charge. Isn't that wonderful?!" replied the driver, his tone of speech was cold, yet jeering.

"You're..working for Moriarty?"


"Why is he doing this? Helping....me..."

"Oh, Mr Holmes. It's the game."

"The game?"

"Ha. You'll see. Now just sit back, and wait till we reach our destination, ay?"

Sherlock sat back on his seat and returned to his thinking position. Oh Moriarty was really impatient.


Moriarty stood in front of John, who had his arms, legs tied up with strong rope and was lying on the cold concrete ground. He was staring up at the ceiling, ignoring everything that was happening. They were in a room full of electronic stock. From computers to light bulbs to chargers to projectors, but the only people inside were John, plus Moriarty and his men. The consulting criminal had changed into an elegant black suit, his ebony black leather shoes were gleaming and his hair was brushed back - everything was neat and tidy - it was the complete opposite of what he had been dressing earlier on at 221B. "Oh, Johnny boy! We're both eagerly waiting for Sherlock aren't we! Why isn't he here yet!.....oh, my patience is wearing thin."

John didn't speak a word.

"You know, John. You two would be quite an item. I so ship you! I have a question. Have you ever had more than friendly feelings for the man?"

No response from John again. 

"Aw! Why won't you reply me..." Moriarty made a sad face, "Talking to you is like talking to a wall....do you ever feel like that when you talk to Sherlock? Hm? You know, I heard he treats you differently from others.....oh and also, you know that you're his first friend? Hahaha!" Moriarty's laugh echoed throughout the warehouse.

John finally spoke, several minutes after silence fell again. "What are you planning to do?"

"Me? Oh! Hah! I'm actually just playing around, believe it or not. I like to get Sherlock running everywhere."

"That...doesn't really answer my question.."

Moriarty turned to face John, and looked at him straight in the eye. Then, suddenly, he lunged forward  and knelt down so that his face was about half a foot away from the doctor's face.

"This is the game...."

"Ah, right. Hm. The game. What is the-"

Moriarty moved away, and stood up.

"Sherlock Holmes. The great consulting detective. Arrogant, selfish, rude, emotionless..Well, that's what I thought, until he met you! Oh boy, you're one special man! So you're asking, what the game is? Oh, it's a intense game of hide-and-go-seek. I'm going to make him run to catch you, but ooof! you're going to disappear before he reaches you, and the cycle repeats. Oh but don't worry, he'll save you..maybe..."

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