8: The Game

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To Sherlock's surprise, the taxi that had taken him here, was still outside waiting. He hopped inside called out his destination, and off they went. The drive to the company headquarters  of E.R Inc. took 2 hours and a bit. Sherlock had repeatedly told the driver to step on it more. 2 out of his 3 given hours gone. Only an hour left. Could he solve a case like this an hour? Well, he would have to...wouldn't he?

They arrived back at London and stopped outside a big building, which no doubt, was the company headquarters. Sherlock rushed out of the taxi and entered the building.

"Excuse me, could you show me the way to Mr. Roger's office?" 

"Um, level 14, once you reach there you should be able to find it easily, there are signs. Uh-But sir, do you have an appointment?" answered the receptions lady, who had bright orange hair.

"No." and Sherlock rushed away before the lady could say more. He jabbed at the up button for the elevator, within 10 seconds came a ding. Holmes walked in and continuously attacked the number 14.

Sherlock rushed into Mr Roger's office without even knocking.

"Well what the hell are you doing here?" Mr. Rogers did not look pleased to see the detective that had rudely rejected him earlier.

"I'm here to solve your case."

"Oh? Changed your mind is it? Well guess what, I've changed mine too. I'm getting someone else to help me out."

No no no

"Please, Rogers. I can solve your case within 4 hours. Please. Let me do it."

"Why are you so desperate all of a sudden, eh?"

"Solving cases is what I do..."

"Alright then. I couldn't find anyone else anyway, police is no help. Once news gets out, its bad the for business.  So you already know the main idea of what's going on, as I've explained it earlier on today. Now, the client who's had the money, has disappeared. Called her phone, she's not there. No replies from her email as well."

"Show me her office."

Rogers led Sherlock towards the office of the client. "Give me a minute or two in here."


Sherlock looked around the office. The desk was full of papers, but they were all stacked in neat piles. The room in general was neat and tidy. On her desk were some fashionable decorations and a photograph. Sherlock picked up the photograph, it was a photo of a woman around the age of 30, sitting on a bench in a park. "Mr.Rogers...is this her?" he showed the photo to the man.

"Ah, yes. By the way her name is Yana. Yana Carlton."

"Right. I think we're nearly there. Just a few more questions. Does Yana work full day everyday of the week?"

"No, she works Monday, Tuesday, Friday and Saturday."

"Mr. Rogers-"


"RIght, Edward. This may seem a odd question to you but...what about the receptions lady? Orange hair?"

"Oh Jenny? She works today (Wednesday), tomorrow (Thursday), and Sunday. Oh, but she's been working this whole week, because the other receptions person is away on holiday. Why do you ask? Has she got anything to do with this?"

"Come with me, Edward."

Together, Sherlock Holmes and Edward Rogers travelled in the elevator down to the ground floor. Sherlock was a bit jumpy and impatient as time was ticking.

 As soon as the doors opened, he rushed out and went straight towards the receptions lady with the shockingly bright orange hair.

"Excuse me I'm Sherlock Holmes, you're Jenny? Or should I say Yana. Where's the 32 thousand dollars that's been put into your hands?"

The lady with orange hair looked at Sherlock with confusion and said, "What do you mean? I'm not Yana...and what money?"

That moment, Edward cut in. "What's going on here, Sherlock? I thought you were helping me solve the case, I don't see what it's got to do with my receptions lady."

"Ohh, Edward Rogers. It's got everything to do with her, because she, is not who you think she is. Infact, she's the missing client. She's Yana, not Jenny? How do I know? Look at her. You can easily see she's wearing green contacts, and her hair, it's a wig can't you tell? It's also a bad quality wig. Haven't you realised how fake it looks. And the final proof...." Sherlock took the photograph from before out of his pocket, and showed it to Mr. Rogers. "See the resemblence?"

"Sorry, but gentlemen what are you guys on about?" Yana continued to act dumb.

"Yana, give it up." Sherlock replied, he could easily see through her, from the way she was sitting and tensing up, her hands in a fist, her lip biting....definitely lying.

Knowing that there was nothing she could do anymore, Yana gave up. She gave a sigh and let everything out. "Look, you're right." she took off her wig, causing Mr.Rogers to gasp. "I mean, what the hell was I thi-inking, I-I came here for a proper job, " she took off her contacts, exposing her brown eyes "but a wild idea and plan occured to me when my boss..." she looked at Edward "gave that huge amount of money to me..I would come as Yana on some days, while on...on-the others...I-I would be Jenny..I just..I-I don't even know what I was thinking. Ever since I took the money for myself, I felt so bad. I...left Yana, and became Jenny...I greatly regret it I'm sorry. Really. I am. I will return the money. I will, I really will." and she started sobbing.

Sherlock was not satisfied by her answer, though Mr. Rogers seemed quite moved by her apology. The detective slammed his hands down onto the desk and demanded for the truth - and quickly. The emotional lady looked up at Sherlock, shocked and scared, "Wha-at do you mean? I have told the truth..."

The blue eyes of the detective stared into the brown eyes of Yana's, and Sherlock could see fear and secrets. "No, you're working for someone aren't you? Someone forced you to do this. Who is it? Yana, tell me."

Edward Rogers looked at Sherlock to Yana and said "What is going on here? Someone explain to me!" but no one answered him. Yana's brown eyes widened at the detective's discovery, "What......how can you possibly kn-"

"Because I have a feeling. Who is it? Is it a man named Moriarty?" Yana gasped. Her hands covered her mouth in shock. Tears started to fall down her cheek. She wasn't scared of being realised, she was scared of the mysterious man she had to work for.

"Yana? It's alright. Look at me.Was it?"

"Ye-yes! Oh god, he-he forced me. I had no choice. My family..my-" More tears rushed down her face.

"Ok, I understand now." Sherlock stood up straight again, his face stern. "Mr Rogers?"

Edward Rogers looked at Sherlock and said, "Yes?"

"Mr. Rogers, it's not Yana's fault. She was being blackmailed. The 32 thousand will be returned to you safely later on. And, case closed. Good bye."

"Thank you so much...Mr Sherlock Holmes...I-uh.....bye."


Sherlock walked out of the building with 20 minutes to spare, but at that moment, he recieved a text.

Oh you're wonderful. You got this round again.

Attached to the message was a photo of Moriarty and John. Moriarty was smiling, John was trying to block his face. Sherlock noticed that Moriarty took the photo, Oh, so this is what you call a selfie...

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