Chapter # 17

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The healer continued to work on Zarnleane's wound when she was stitched up then it was bandaged to prevent further infection. She got up from the chair and headed out of the room.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going to check on someone that I have to see."


"A friend of mine. Excuse me but I have to be on one of the bridges."

Zarneleane left the room to check on a friend of hers. As she left the room, Thranduil followed her out to one of the bridges where she stood there waiting. It wasn't long after that she looked up to the sky and a light breeze came through. Then a gryphon came on the light breeze and landed in front of her. The gryphon came to her and he nudged her face with his beak.

"I missed you too, Shika." she replied while placing her hand on his neck.

"Who is your friend?"

"This is my friend, Shikoba. He's been with me as long as I can remember. We grew up together back in Imladris."

"But how did you get one like him?"

"Their trust is not easy to come by. They don't trust easily in the hands of pirates because they would use them as beasts of burden. Pirates would have scorched off their feathers, make them wear beak guards, nearly starve them to death. They would put metal collers around their own necks."

Zarneleane stood there while he nudged her bandaged hand and she smiled.

"I'm okay. I will heal in a few days. Is there anything else that you wanted?"

"Can I feel how his feathers are?"

"If you are asking if you can pet him for a time, then come slowly. If someone was going to take him from then he would put up a fight."

Thranduil comes up to Shikoba and places his hand on his feathes. They were soft to the touch as he stands there.

"Why is he this color?"

"Because he was this way when we first met. Its easier for him to hide in the shadows when we have to do scouting operations. Some times it requires stealth rather than engaging the enemy up close."

"Are other colors of gryphons out there?"

"Yes, there are but it takes some time to gain someone's trust."

"I see."

One of the guards came to fetch the king.

"Hir vuin, what should we do about the dwarves?"

"Bring the one called Thorin Oakenshield to the throne room."

"Of course, hir vuin." the guard leaves to retrive him and bring him there.

"Care to walk with me to the throne room?"

"Yes, hir vuin." she replied to him and went with him to the throne room.


Elsewhere, the dwarves start throwing themselves at the bars trying to break free.


"Leave it! There is no way out out! This is no Orc dungeon. These are the Halls of the Woodland realm. Noone leaves here, but by the King's consent."

When the other elven guars came to the dungeons, they got Thorin from his own jail. He left there with most of the guards as his cell was closed. They went to the throne room where Thranduil and Zarneleane were waiting there for him. Not long after, Thorin was there in front of Thranduil and Zarneleane.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2016 ⏰

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