Chapter 4 -Leaving Bag End

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Bilbo lied there on his bed as he listened to the song. Soon, he fallen asleep there on his bed. The next morning, Bilbo stretches out on his very comfortable bed while there was an eerie silence in the rest of the house. He got up to look around and finds that the dwarves are gone.

"Hello!" he said while no one answered him.

He looked pleased enough that everything is back in order but he looks down at the contract. He hasn't signed it yet before he changes his mind. A minute later, he runs out of Bag End with the contract in hand, he goes off to find Gandalf and the dwarves.

"Here, Mr. Bilbo. Where are you off to?"

"I can't stop, I'm already late."

"Late for what?" Sago said while watching him run.

"I'm going on an adventure." he replied back while continue to run.

He ran down the path and over the fence as he tries to find them. He manages to catch up with them in the woods near the Shire. He was slowing down as they were heading somewhere.

"Wait! Wait!"

Everyone stops to look at him as he comes up to them on foot, waving the contract in hand.

"I signed it." he said as he gives it to Balin who checks it.

"Everything seems to be in order, welcome Master Baggins, to the company of Thorin Oakenshield."

"Give him a pony."

"No, no, no, no. That won't be necessary. Thank you. I'm sure that I can keep up on food. Yeah, I...I've done my share of walking holidays, you know? Even got as far as Frog Morton once."

Suddenly, two of the dwarves grab hold of his arms, picked him up and placed him on a pony. They were in a straight line as they rode through the woods. Bilbo rides his pony looking very uncomfortable. Gandalf looks towards the sky as he sees a figure that was flying around. He smiles knowing that Zarneleane is not to far behind them ad is waiting for him to talk to her.

"Come on, Nori! Pay up!"

Bilbo sees the dwarves passing around bags of money to each other.

"What's that about?"

"Oh, they took wages on whether or not you show up. Most of them bet that you wouldn't."

"And what do you think?"

"Well," he said as he catches a bag of money that one of the dwarves throw at him. "My dear fellow, I never doubted you for a second."

When Gandalf finishes his sentence, Bilbo sneezes.

"Oh, it's horse hair. Having a reaction." he said while searching his pockets for his handkerchief. "Uh, wait, wait. Stop! Stop! We have to turn around."

"What on earth is the matter now?"

"I forgot my handkerchief."

"Here! Use this." Bofur said as he rips off a bit of cloth from his robe.

He throws it a Bilbo who looks at it with disgust. Thorin was not happy that they had to stop for a simple handkerchief.

"Move on!" he said he guides his horse once more.

They continue on their journey while not knowing that an elf was trailing them but none of them knew that except for Gandalf.


 Not far behind them, Zarneleane followed them by sent her gryphon to watch over them from the sky. He turned back to stay hidden from the dwarves and the hobbit. She went back through the way that she came before but stopping at Calla's house. She stood there with something in her hands as she gave it to Zarneleane. She took it from her and looked over it.

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