Chapter 6 - Trying to free the ponies.

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Bilbo was there trying to get the ponies without getting caught by the trolls.

"Twice like a barn owl, hoot twice like a brown...hoots like a... like a... Uh, are you sure this is a good idea?" he said.

He turns around and sees Fili and Kili have run off with their bowls of stew and left him on his own. He turns back to the trolls while hearing them talk.

"Mutton yesterday, mutton today. And blimey, if it don't look like mutton again tomorrow." William said.

"Quit your griping. These ain't sheep. These is West nags!" Bert replied.

"Oh! I don't like horse. I never have. Not enough fat on them." the other one said.

"Well, it's better than a leathery ol' farmer. All skin and bone he was. I'm still pickin' bits of him out o' me teeth."

Tom manages to sneeze into the soup.

"Well, that's lovely. A floater."

"Oh! Might improve the flavor!"

"Ah! There's more where that came from." he said as he tries again but Bert slaps him and gets ahold of his nose.

"Oh, no you don't!"

"Owww! Oww!"

"Sit down!"

Tom sits down and sneezes again, he takes a tissue and blows his nose on it, at the same time Bilbo sneaks into the camp and tries to free the ponies.

"Well... I hope that your gonna gut these nags? I don't like the skinky parts."

Bert hits Tom over the head and he goes back to sit down.


"I said sit down."

"I'm starving, are we having horse tonight or what?"

"Shut your cake hole! You'll eat what I give ya!"

Bilbo watches the trolls as he tries to free the ponies once more.

"How come he's the cook? Everything tastes the same, everything tastes like chicken."

"What taste like fish?"

"I'm just saying, a little appreciation would be nice. Thank you very much, Bert. Lovely stew, Bert. How hard is that?"

Bilbo tries to sneak close to one of the trolls to steal a knife.

"Mmm. Just need a sprinkle of squirrel dung." he said as e picks it up.

He sees Tom eating from his bowl.

"Here, that's my grog."


Bert hits Tom in the face.


Bert tastes the stew.

"Oh. That's beautifully balanced, that is. Wrap your tongue around that, mate." he said as he gives some to William.

"Huh? Good ain't it? That's why I'm the cook."

As the trolls are chatting away, Bilbo sneaks behind Tom Troll to steal his knife which is behind his belt.

"Me guts are grumbling. I've got to snaffle something. Flesh. I need flesh!" his said.

As William gets up to grab some of the ponies, Tom sneezes and reached behind him to grab his handkerchief but grabs Bilbo instead and blows his nose all over him. Tom looks down and sees Bilbo in his hand.

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