Noah and Navi

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The Doctor:

"Viva Las Vegas!" I laughed, leading the way out of the TARDIS, followed by Callie, who refused to stay in bed, though she was the size of a whale, Sky and Clara, who were now joint at the hip. I had nothing against relationships, but it seemed like they'd bonded over something, more than the way their souls were already bonded.

But then the boat shuddered, and we went flying across the compartment, the ladies wearing an evening dresses, and Cal in a large maternity dress and flip flops. My little grandson Noah, all snug in there, ready to pop into the world. "Strangers on the bridge!"

"Who the hell are you?"

Clara raised an eyebrow at me. "Not Vegas, then."

Nah, that was boring. "No. No, this is much better."

"A sinking submarine? With an electrical based life form that can't swim?" Sky asked me, shivering now she was coated in water and unable to warm herself with the electricity in her blood. Oops.

"A sinking Soviet submarine!" I grinned, wrapping my arms around my eldest granddaughter, who was struggling with all the changes in her life right now. She didn't think I knew, but I was currently giving her antidepressants in her morning coffee. Sky was such a complex being, I wanted the best for her.

The Russians around us lept to action. "Break out side arms. Restrain them!"

"Four ten. Four twenty. Turbines still not responding!"

The Captain shook his head. "They've got to."

My daughter had her eyes closed, working better sonar than anything in the universe. "Ah! Sideways momentum. You've still got sideways momentum!" They were all staring at her, not that Callie could see that. Callie didn't have much sense of self any more, not with most of her memories still gone. She remembered Lyrica, she half remembered Luke, but me and Sky? Nothing. Sky Amelie Smith was someone she loved, but beyond that? She was a ghost in the storm, crying out for remembrance, and it didn't help how she already felt. "Your propellers work independently of the main turbines. You can't stop her going down but you can manoeuvre the sub laterally. Do it!"

"Get these people off the bridge now!"

Sky shook her head, holding her girlfriends hand tight. "Just listen to her, for god's sake! She's a fucking walking sonar!"

Cal was still looking with sound, and pointed in a random direction. "Geographical anomaly to starboard. Probably an underwater ridge."

"How do you know this?"

"Look, we have just a chance to stop the descent if we settle on it." I shouted, holding her as she stumbled again, leaving Clara to help Sky. "Do it!" We were still falling, the pressure increasing exponentially. "Or this thing is going to implode."

The Captain looked at his men. "Lateral thrust to starboard, all propellers."



Mr Second in Command looked at him in anger. "You're going to let this madman give the orders? With his whores and pregnant wench?" Oh, you were not insulting them.

But he was just shouted at. "Lateral thrust!"

"Aye, sir! Six sixty, six eighty." Then we collided with it and settled. Silence. "Descent arrested at seven hundred metres."

He looked over at us, Callie holding her belly tight. Oh, if she went into labour, underwater on a soviet sub... Be worse than my friend Kimmy who did it while in battle against the Zygons with UNIT. "It seems we owe you our lives, whoever you are."

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