1. Just a day

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*Beep Beep Beep*

The sharp ear splitting noise cuts through the nightmare I was having. I jump awake, sitting straight up in my bed. I place my hand on my chest, breathing heavily as I feel my heart race. My skin felt clammy. I was having a terrible nightmare. In the nightmare a nuclear apocalypse broke out. I was able to take cover in a nearby bunker inside of a mountain with my older brother Edward.

We had been out of the house together when the bombs fell. The dream was less scary and more eerie. At first we hid in the bunker for a while then we were worried about radiation if we left. Then when we did leave we were worried there might be mutants or people who might want to steal our stuff and rations. The really eerie part was how quiet everything was.

There were no animals making sound outside, no radio, no music, no car engines, no planes overhead, nothing but silence. I remember one part of the dream where my brother and I were parked on an empty beach.

The only sounds to be heard were the waves. There was a dark figure walking slowly towards us from the distance down the beach. It freaked us out so we hopped in the car and left back to the bunker but we couldn't shake the feeling they would track us to the bunker and try to break in.

Honestly it's weird how much of the nightmare I did remember, but that's all it was, a nightmare. I shake off the eerie feeling. I have been having a lot of weird nightmares lately like one where I went into my bedroom. It was dark and in the corner there was a dark, tall version of myself wearing my clothes but with an evil face and red eyes. It then attacked one of my Ex's and ate them alive. I tried to beat the shadow version of myself up, but it just disappeared. I guess you can't really fight yourself.

I stretched looking around my room. Scanning for anything unusual. I was feeling quite on edge. My room was dimly lit by a sliver of natural light peeking through a crack in my black out curtains. I looked at all the posters on the walls and they showed various things I enjoyed, bands, movies, video games, scantily dressed ladies, and anime, to name a few. Pushing back my Star Wars blankets I got up. I walked over to the mirror. I looked at my face. I had a healthy pale skin color. My dark brown curly hair was very short. It hung a little bit in my face on one side.

My eyebrows were a shape that made it look like I was always deep in thought. The only color on my face was my eyes that popped. They were a striking blue color and had a very dark blue ring around the iris. If you looked closely enough you could see little flecks of hazel gold in my iris. Sometimes my eyes would change color because of my mood or the lighting. They could be blue, green, gray, and sometimes a mixture of all three.

I had high cheekbones, an angular jaw, and thick hair. My hair and cheekbones came from a distant family member that was native American. I stood at an average height of five feet five inches at 140 pounds.

Not too skinny, not too fluffy I always thought anyway. Confident with how my hair looked after running my fingers through it, I walked over to my closet. I picked out my favorite Star Wars T-shirt for school today. I grab a few more items like my favorite leather jacket, worn skinny jeans that have a ribbed texture on the thighs and black and white high top Vans.

After taking one last look in my full length mirror, just to make sure I still look hot. I still do. I go into the bathroom and clean up, my mind wanders while I brush my teeth and put eyeliner on. I pick out a small circular earring that has a spike on each end. I put it into my only ear piercing in my left ear. I look at my left wrist to check the time on my watch. I shrug and think to myself;

I have a little bit of time.

I jog down the stairs, you can hear me jangle quietly as all my necklaces get jostled. I head into the kitchen to grab something quick to eat. I make a note of the liquor cabinet near the kitchen, it looks like there is a new flask sitting there. I consider pocketing it, but eventually decide against it. I yell out goodbye to my parents. Then I walked out of the house to go to school. It's a rather short walk.

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