4. Good Morning!

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I slowly open my eyes, expecting to feel more pain in this dark place.

I'm probably in hell.

But instead I'm greeted with a white ceiling and the familiar glow in the dark stars. I look to the right as I wait for my eyes to adjust... I see a spacious room with white walls, one window and dark hard wood floors. The bed I'm laying in is in the far left corner and the door is in the far right. It was closed, with a full body length mirror on the back of it. There was a tall dark wood dresser close to the foot of the bed with a TV on top. On the far wall there was a closet.

There are clothes pilled a foot high on the floor in front of the closet, and junk accumulated on all the surfaces including the window sill.

This is my room.

I was so stiff and sore. My left arm was under something but I didn't look at what it was under, I just pulled it out. I bring my left hand up to my face and examine the bite.

Holy fuck, how long was I asleep?!

The deep wound has been reduced to a fresh, pink scar. I wiped my eyes, and yawned. I looked to my right and what I saw almost made me scream but I just put my hand over my mouth and breathed. It was Ray. She was in my bed and under the covers. Her face was so peaceful and cute.

Her shoulders were bare! Oh my god she's naked! I felt a draft as I sat up slowly. I was in nothing but my birthday suit too. I hugged myself, and rubbed my arms. I noticed something different about my chest. I looked down and saw that my huge boob's were gone. Panic filled my heart as I pulled the covers back to check my reproduction parts, and that's when I did scream. "WHAT THE BLOODY HELL, WHY THE FUCK AM I A MAN!" Ray sat up and stretched.

"Calm down Cori!" I blushed and looked away quickly when the covers fell off of her to reveal her naked body. I said;

"What did you do?" She moved in a quick moment and was sitting on top of me.

"Um-" Ray cut me off.

"Shhh.." she kissed me and pushed me down on the bed. She paused and said;

"Well you were saying how it wasn't right for us to be together because we're both girls so... I fixed that problem for you. I'll do anything for you. Especially if it means fixing a minor problem that was keeping us apart."

"But how-"

"Does it matter?" She asks before she kissed me again.

"Yes it does actually." She sat up and put her hands on my chest, she gave a drastic sigh.

"Do we have to do this right now? I just woke up to the sound of your screams."

"Yes we do. The last thing I remember is feeling like I was dying... then my vision went out and I felt someone carrying me."

"Yes, well I poisoned you obviously you dork. And then carried you home."

"Why?... No never mind I'm more concerned about my parents. Do they know about all this?"

"Yeah. I had to rewrite a lot of their memories so that they always thought you were a boy, and I told them that we are dating too." She giggled

"Oh God." I was panicking.

"Hey, look at me. Enough of that. I have more important things to talk to you about."

"Like what? What could possibly be more important than you trying to kill me, and then changing everything about my life!"

"Oh nothing...just like saving hundreds of thousands of people from certain doom, restoring the balance of good and evil, going on a quest of extreme pain, intense misery, and severe torture, where you will ultimately gain immense unimaginable power, and will end with you being enlightened beyond your years!" She said sarcastically. I stood there staring blankly, just dumbfounded.....

"Wait so all of that will happen if I do whatever it is you want me to?" She hit my chest.

"God dammit Cori! Yes that is exactly what I meant. That's what sarcasm is you moron!"

"Haha, okay okay! Sorry that was a blonde moment."

"But....you have black hair!"

"I know! That's not the point. Just, never mind."

"Oh, okay. If you say so my love."

"So what do you want me to do?"

"Well I can't tell you everything because that would defeat the purpose of this journey that is the beginning of your enlightenment. But I will tell you that we won't be safe here for more than a couple of days. So we need to leave quickly and quietly. We can't have anyone knowing where we're going. See there's this like... Other-no... Secret world kind of and we'll... In that world I'm a fugitive, which is where we need to go. These people are powerful and will stop at nothing to get me and now you too because your my accomplice. Which means your family and your friends are all in danger the longer you are around them." I propped myself up on my elbows.

"So the best way of keeping them safe would be to leave as soon as possible without them knowing because they could be tortured or worse killed? So these people have the ability to find you and me?"

"Yes...that's what I said isn't it?"

"How do I know your telling me the truth and not lying to get me alone? So that you can kill me or something?"

"You don't know, but you want to. I can tell you're curious. Why would I make up this whole elaborate lie if I wanted you alone? We are alone right now."

That is true.

I'm getting a headache thinking about all this... I guess if she wanted to kill me she would have done it by now. Like when I was unconscious and completely venerable. I said;

"What do we need, and when do we leave?"

"I'm glad you asked." She smiled.

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