14. The Decision

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~4 days later~

I have made my choice... I have decided that Ethan and I should just be good friends. I've realized that I have been holding him back from finding someone that he loves. He has a girlfriend now. I have decided to continue to date Miko. I'm sure that if we end it mutaly then we will remain best friends, and get an apartment together. I do love Ethan, but I think I got these emotions mixed up with being a really close friends. So hopefully we can both move forward from this. I will never stop loving Ethan, and I will always think of him as better than me. It's just a different love. I love who he is as a person. Just not in the romantic way. I told Mike about this whole mix up because I wanted to be honest and see if he could help me decide... Well he did he told me not to contact him anymore... And I don't have the balls to Brea k up with Ethan in person. Every time I'm with him Im reminded of why I love him so much but with Miko I don't have to be around him to know how much I love him. I think the long distance thing is really taking its toll on all three of us... And Ethan plans to go into the military and be stationed in Japan even farther away than he is now... I tear up whenever I think of Miko... So if I listen to my heart then I say Miko, but... If I listen to my head then I say Ethan... I hate being Polly, it's a curse. My heart belongs to too many people... *sigh*... But worst of all Ive messed it up with each one of them. I stare at my feet will I'm walking, I have my hood up because it's so bright. My eyes are red so even if I am in the monster world I'm still ashamed of what I am. *whack!* I slammed into something and fell backwards. "Ow" I heard a female voice. I looked up, she was rubbing her forehead, I tried to avoid looking up her skirt or at her boob's. I jumped up and stutterd "i-i-im sorry!" I leaned over her and offered her my hand.  I kept eye contact and said "are you okay?" my heart was racing she said "I'm fine, thank you" she grabbed my hand, they were so soft. I pulled her up too quickly and she tripped falling into my arms. I could smell her perfume a hint of strawberry. I stammered and said "I'm-im sorry." I don't know why I keep apologizing. We stood there looking into each others eyes for a second and then we both backed up. I could feel my face getting warm with embarrassment. She giggled and said "I'm such a cluts!" "I'm sorry I should have been paying attention to where I was walking." she said "I'm Katherine it's nice to meet you." now that she was standing, I can see that she is taller then me with long brown hair and Hazel eyes, she was wearing a school uniform, obviously highschool. I responded "a pleasure to meet you." I bowed and ccontinued "I'm Cori Silver a Death knight." she seemed impressed "oh! I've never met a Death knight before! I thought they would be different." "how so?" "well I thought they would be scary." "trust me I'm scary when I want to be." Katherine looked pretty much normal compared to most of the monsters here. I wonder what she was, but I wouldn't be rude and ask she might ask the same... I said "I'm sorry I have to get to work, I hope I see you around." "me too, it was nice meeting you Cori. Oh my is that the time I have to get to class!" I'm actually going to teach a class, now that I'm a trained death knight so when I'm not a mission I teach eager students. Today is my first day teaching.

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