16. A week Later.

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I woke up to the pleasant warm feeling on my face and the bright light seeping through my eye lids.
I opened my eyes to find myself on a small bed with scratchy wool blankets. I sat up and almost hit my head on the sloped ceiling. I could see that I was in a small room "where the hell am I? " I heard a yawn. I looked over, and saw a woman wearing absolutly nothing. What the hell?! It's Katherine. A peace of hair fell into my line of site. I went to push it back when I saw I had a new tattoo on my right hand. On the outside base of my thumb.it was some weird symbol that looked like a number and some overlapping letters. I glanced over at my left hand there was a gold band on my ring finger. Oh shit. This girl is crazy I can't believe she spiked my wine, and brought me here, but what eles happend? My head was spinning. I kicked the covers off and got out of bed. I held onto the bed post to steady myself. It's so cold in here the floor is ice cold. Why do I always wake up naked? There was a wooden chair at the foot of the bed. It had a pair of jeans. I slipped them on, and looked over at Katherine. She looks so cute, and it was kinda hot that she spiked my drink. So I don't know why I'm freaking out, but right now I need to clear my head I'm going to look around. I walked towards the window. As I lean up against the nightstand I peered through the fogy window. I could see a green court yard. I must be in a castle, but not the councils castle this one was smaller and more cozy. I think I'll go out side and look around. I went back over to Katherine, stroked her cheek. Then I kissed her lightly in the same spot. There was a baggy brown shirt hanging on the back of the door. It had some strings on the front. I just left them untied, so that my chest would be exposed. The door creaked when I opened it. I looked back at Katherine. Good she's still asleep I don't want to wake her up right now.

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