7. The Truth

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I sat there in the interrogation room. It had a one way mirror I couldn't see through of course. It also had all white walls and florescent lights. My hands were cuffed to a ring welded to the top of the metal table. 

I've been in handcuffs before, so I knew if I got caught that I would need a bobby pin. I didn't think about the fact that they would have my hands cuffed to the top of the table. I couldn't reach my pockets from here! I was alone in the room. 

The only noises present was the tick tock of the wall clock, and the constant buzz from above. 

I wonder what they were charging me for. Obviously those two murders because I didn't have the time to dump the gun. My mind keeps wondering what else they have on me? 

I'll just tell them it was all me. 

No need to get Ray into trouble, too. That way she can walk free. I'll tell them I was holding her hostage. They will see her as a victim and let her go. Then she might be able to break me out. I heard the door knob turn, and a detective in a gray suit with light brown hair walked in. He pulled the matching metal chair out, it scraped on the concrete floor with a loud screech. he sat down, and shuffled some papers.

 I was ready to tell him all of lies I had thought up. But first I had to believe them, and not think of them as lies. The best liars believe in their own lies, that's why they're the best at it. I have to keep a straight face, but that's easy for me. I like to think I'm good at lying. Mainly because everyone believes me. 

He slid pictures of the man from the alley towards me. I looked at them. His limp body laying on the dirty ground, his shirt soaked with crimson blood. He then slid another picture of the Vampire girl. Her was head blown off, laying awkwardly on the table with her shirt undone. He grunted. I looked up at him and he said

 "Kid you don't look like a killer but you had the gun, so why don't you tell me who killed these people."

 I jolted forward, banging my cuffed hands on the table. I spoke in a deep raspy voice; 

"You don't know me. I killed those people in cold blood. You're stupid if you don't notice a psycho when you see one. I don't feel bad at all for killing those people."

 He moved slightly in his chair. Then said;

"So you're telling me that no one helped you get the gun from this man?" 

He pointed at the first picture then he said; 

"The gun was registered in his name. His fingerprints are on the weapon as well. If he had the gun then a little guy like you couldn't have taken him on by yourself."

 "You underestimate me, detective."

"Okay, fine. You don't want to tell me, but I'm trying to help you."

 He slid four more photos of two dark figures caught stealing, it was me and Ray. He said pointing to the girl in the pictures; 

"Why don't you tell me who this is." 

"My hostage."

 "No she's the girl that helped you get the gun from the man in the alley. Her fingerprints are on the gun too." 

"I made her help me. She was scared and knew I could hurt her even if she was holding the gun."

 "We have this girl in the other room, there is blood on her clothes the same blood that is on your clothes. It matches the female victim. Did your friend kill her?"

 "I killed her" 


"Does it matter?"


 "Then why are you asking?"

 "Just curious"

 "Well fuck off then! I'm done talking to you."

 He gathered his papers and said; 

"So if you're telling the truth then what the girl says should match up." 

He left the room. I sat there I can't hear Ray, something must be wrong.

                                                       ~Thirty Minutes Later~

The same detective came in and sat down, rubbing his face. He said 

"Okay...so Ray says that she did all of it. Obviously you're both covering for each other. It's kind of a bitter sweet moment if you think about it. So romantic in a way, kind of like true love."

 He smirks at me. His tone was sarcastic, almost patronizing. I said;

"Don't listen to her! She's covering up for me, I did it all!"

 "Okay, we it looks like we are back at square one because both of you don't want to tell the truth."

 "I am telling the truth, god dammit!"

 He looked at me like I was pitiful. He said;

"I found that on your records you ran away a year ago when you were seventeen, why?"

 "I felt like it."

 "Since then you have been living on the streets."

 "SO!? Is that against the law!?"

 "No but murder is."

 "So why aren't you locking me up?"

 He turned around, looking at the mirror. He slid his finger across his neck and turned back around. He spoke; 

"I had the cameras turned off. So we can talk freely."

 "What are you talking about?" The cop slammed the metal table;

 "Don't play dumb with me Cori! Your little girlfriend Ray is bad news."

 "I don't follow."

 "Ray, she's a demon. I can smell it on her. I'm a werewolf."

 "Yeah I know she is."

 "The peculiar thing is is that I can smell a hint of demon in you, too. Has she ever bit you? Or did you sleep with her?"

 "Why would I tell you?"

 "Cori demons aren't all nice, this particular demon kills people for fun. I don't know how she found you but she's ruining your life, along with your sanity. When the time comes and you're ready for it, she will take you to hell."

 "What are you saying?"

 "That's what demons do, she's playing you for a fool."

 "But she said people are after her people in the demon world."

 "That's correct, I'm one of those people. I've come to rescue you from her control. Because you have slept with her you are the closest person to her. The council will want to speak with you. So I'm transporting both of you to Ceridel."

 "Where is that?"

 "Even if I told you, you wouldn't understand. Just look kid, I'm helping you out even if you don't understand. You didn't grow up in the demon world. You don't know how the demon world works. Demons come to this world to take advantage of humans because they're oblivious to the darker things that lurk in the shadows."

 He stood up and unlocked the hand cuffs from the table. He said 

"Only a few people in the department are from the demon world, so we need to keep up the act."


I stood up, and he hand cuffed me behind my back.
We walked through the police station and out to a parked black van. I sat in the back of this van in the dark listening to the rumble of the engine. My mind swirls with confusion and anger. How could Ray do this to me?

                                                       ~Fifteen Minutes Later~

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