9. The Judging

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I stood Infront of the council. They were the six people that ruled the entire demon world. Elder Lucas was one of them. Miko explained that he is the voice of the council. The others are mute. He looked at me and said to the other Elder's

"When I look at this weakling I feel pity for him." 

"Excuse me?" 

"Cori Mesiac, it is no secret that humans are weaker than many creatures in the demon world. Yes, I feel bad for you. You were dragged from a normal but naive life after a demon put a love spell on you, changed your identity, and convinced you to kill people. They put another spell on you and planned to take you to hell so that only she could have you forever. Not to mention what we found when rooting around in your head for answers to see if you were a threat. There is good news and bad news Cori... The good news is that you are not a threat, and can stay here in this existence as long as you'd like. The bad news is that you have had to find out this awful truth from us. Although maybe this is a blessing in disguise. Rather than having your heart broken by Ray. She lied to you about loving you Cori. She just wanted someone to take a bullet for her. She wanted you to be her slave so that she could manipulate you. She brainwashed you into not only loving her, but making you believe she loved you too."

 I felt like someone just ripped my heart out. My throat and eyes were stinging, but I will not cry in front of these people. 

"Damnit! How could I have been so foolish?" 

"Dear boy, it is not your fault. Humans are just very easy to manipulate. You're born weak and very few ever become strong enough to fight back against our kind." 

"Elder Lucas will you teach me to be strong?"

 "We can offer the training to become a Demon Hunter, but be warned, it is not easy. There is a chance you will die."

 "I don't care, I'll do anything to be more powerful. I need to be strong."

 "A Demon Hunter is required to be physically and mentally strong. In order for anyone to wield that much power they must surpass our qualifications. It must be determined that the individual has the mental fortitude required. The training could send them over the edge causing mass destruction and death."

 "I understand."

 "Alright then we will have you learn from one of the best, I believe you already met him. His name is Ethan Morningstar. He is a Demon Hunter and is sworn to protect this council and obey our every command. If you live, then the same responsibility will be placed on your shoulders as well. When your training is complete you will swear the same oath that all other Demon Hunter's have sworn before you."

 "Thank you Elder Lucas."

 All six Council members stood as Elder Lucas spoke; 

"This session is now adjourned."

 Miko took my arm and hopped up and down excitedly. 

"Your going to be a Demon Hunter! So sexy, I'm going to have two Demon Hunter boyfriends!"

 He giggled, what two is he talking about.. Ethan and me?! 

"Um... Miko, no offense but I just found out that Ray lied to me, and was just using me as a puppet."

 He rubbed my arm 

"Oh you're right. What you need right now is a hug!"

 He grabbed me tightly, and growled into my neck 

"Stop that tickles!"

 He stepped back and fixed my hair. I said; 

"I had no idea Ethan was a Demon Hunter."

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