2. What a Weirdo

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The bell rang throughout the building and all the students flooded the halls escaping their classes. I grabbed all my stuff and quickly crammed it into my back pack. I jogged out into the hall only to be met with a fast flowing river of students and the roar of constant chatter. I heard a voice amongst the chaos that sent a shiver down my spine;

"Oh Kori! Come back Kori!"

I can't believe it, is she really following me?! What the hell?

I started walking faster in  an attempt to avoid her.

"Come on Kori! Stop!" I stopped, I don't know why I stopped, but I did. I don't actually know her so I should at least see what she wants. Even though she does seem familiar. I turned around and stood with my back to a wall, then Ray popped into view. She said;

"Hey there! Remember me?" She said and hugged me tightly.

"Get off me I don't know you!"

"Why do you hate me so much? I'm the one that saved you." She said and frowned.

"Because I don't know you. Wait what? Save me? What the hell are you talking about?"

"Nevermind that right now. Even if you don't remember me, just trust me when I say I won't leave you again. I'll keep you safe."

"Okayyyy. Please go away, you weirdo."

"Okay maybe you really don't remember anything, not even me. I'll have to fill you in on the rest later... Let me start over."

She put her hand out, and said;

"Hey, I'm Ray." I squinted my eyes at her and hesitantly took her hand shaking it.

"Nice to meet you Ray." We stood there looking at each other then I asked;

"Don't you have a class to go to or something?"

"Oh yeah, right. I have my next class with you by the way. English, right?"

Oh my god, why must I have the worst luck ever!?

She just kept looking at me staring as if she was staring into my soul again. It made me feel uncomfortable and vulnerable. I don't even know what to think anymore. I spoke up again more to myself than Ray and said;

"I must be in a another nightmare" And Ray said in response;

"Oh no, trust me this is nothing. I promise you're not sleeping. This isn't a nightmare, it's real, I'm real now. Some of your nightmares are real too. Don't worry though like I said, I won't leave you again. Oh! And don't try to lie to me or hide your feelings, I can read your mind. I can predict your thoughts and actions too. You think you're weirded out because that's what the correct response would be to show when a stranger says they know you is. Deep down you're actually  subconsciously happy that I've come back into your life. Even though you're confused. On top of it all, you think I'm cute!" She smiled trying to look innocent.

I had no words to describe the awkwardness between us. I just stared at her blushing, but also panicking. 

She really can read my mind. 

Even the thoughts and everything that hasn't even happened yet!

I'm so screwed!

I don't know what to do, she even knows my best kept secret. I've never said it out loud, ever. That's how I know she's telling the truth, the secret that no one knows... She knows I like girls.

"Of course I know that my love! I don't even need to read your mind to tell. I can see the way you look at me." She took a step closer. "Just like I know you won't stop me from doing this."

She leaned up against me, closing the gap between us.

Oh my god! What is she doing!? Doesn't she know the concept of a secret!? Is anyone watching? No, of course not, the halls are empty now.

Honestly I'm not sure what's worse about being alone with this weirdo. On one hand no one can see how she is acting so my secret is still safe, but on the other hand no one is around to help. They must have all gone to class. She leaned in really close to my face and whispered;

"You're not single anymore, you're mine." I don't even know what to think right now. My heart says yes, but my brain says no. She whispered again;

"Shhh, my love. Don't think, just listen to your heart." She kissed me on the lips lightly. Her lips tasted like cherry Chapstick, my favorite flavor. Then she pulled away and winked at me. She said;

"I'll see you later my love." I watched her walk away. What was her motive? Why would she want to be with me? She's so cute. There are so many more attractive people in this school than me...

So why me?!

She was equally scary and sexy. I don't mind a little craziness, it keeps things more interesting. 

I suppose...

oh my god I just kissed a girl!... And I liked it!?

I'm so confused right now, and light headed. I knew I liked girls, but I haven't ever actually kissed one before now. I stood there slouched against the wall trying to gather my thoughts... Didn't she say she had the same class as me?...Shit! She's going to say something, I just know it.

I can't let her tell everyone that I'm bisexual!

I'll be treated differently. The students will hate me. Then the teachers will find out and they will tell my parents. If my parents find out then I'm dead! I'll be outcasted by everyone, but maybe that's what Ray wants. To isolate me. I can't have that! She will broadcast it whether I'm there or not. So I need to think of a plan to get her to shut up.

I need to be there to stop her from saying anything! I hope it's not too late!

 I run to a nearby staircase and start climbing the steps that will take me up to the next floor. The textured rubber steps under my feet. I skip some of the steps so I can climb upwards faster. I trip when I reach the top. I quickly stumble back onto my feet, and keep running.

I race through the empty halls to my next class period hearing my footsteps echo.

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