3. Crazy Night

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I ran down the white halls. My shoes slamming down on the classic white school flooring with those little colorful dots. I burst through the wooden classroom door that had a window in the middle of it with a;


 The classroom was full of students sitting at their desks, they were all facing the front of the room as Ray introduced herself to the whole class. I see her standing next to the English teacher, introducing herself. I hear her say;

"I'm Ray Rezilsin, and I'm dating Ko-" I cut her off by saying loudly; 

"Ray!...uh-there's been an emergency! A private matter that has to do with your family...that...is-uh time sensitive. Will you please come with me?" And she looks at me with a questioning look and responds with; 

"Of course my lo-" I cut her off again knowing she was about to call me love. "No time to talk! Like I said its a private matter. We need to hurry!" She glared at me now understanding my intentions for cutting her off. She stomped towards me to head out of the classroom. As she walked past me she grabbed me around the waist and forcefully pulled me towards her. 

Wow she's strong! 

I blushed bright red, lifting my hands up to show I wasn't touching her. I tried to say; "What are-" but before I could finish, she got up on her tip toes and kissed me on the lips. while kissing me she grabbed my ass with one hand. I heard a few gasps behind me. I was absolutely shocked.   

Well it's too late now, Oh what the fuck ever. I don't care anymore. 

When I separated from her my mouth hung open in pure shock, she interlaced our fingers together when she grabbed my hand. She pulled me by my hand leading me out of the classroom while I was still star struck. We walked down the empty halls. I won't lie, I was very shocked, but also relived. I really didn't think she would go that far to prove a point. We snuck down the quiet hallway. We don't want to be caught skipping class. 

She broke the silence in a voice that almost sounded like she was mocking me when she said; 

"Are you going to take me home Kori?" I spun around, and put my hand over her mouth. 

"Please be quiet! You've already gotten me in enough trouble as is." She bit down on my hand. I jerked my hand back and clutched it close to my stomach.  Blood ran down my hand and dripped onto the floor forming a small puddle. I yelled out; 

"Ow! What the hell?! What the fuck was that for?!" I was looking at her one second and the next there was a flash. In less than a second she was gone, like she disappeared. I looked around frantically scanning the hallway, but she was gone. I was standing alone under the bright school lights listening to the fluorescents buzz overhead. I took a small step back.

All of a sudden I felt my knees give way. I was on all fours, gasping for air. I grabbed at my throat. My vision started to go blurry as I stared at the floor. My brain was going fuzzy like TV static and It was hard to think straight. I looked at my hand where the bite mark was, it felt like it was burning. 

The bite mark looked like it was turning black as the dark liquid started seeping out of it. My vision started to flicker. I could see my veins turning black and starting to spread up my left arm. It moved towards my heart. The blackness felt like ice inside of me. It was corrupting my heart.  

I saw Ray's combat boots step into view. her feet were small and petite. I felt her roll me over with her foot. I started to spasm as I lay there defenseless on my back. I coughed up the black liquid. I looked up to see Ray, I couldn't get my eyes to focus. Her face was darkened by the lights behind her. I was too weak from not breathing to talk. I reached my hand up to her trying to ask for help. 

Am I dying? 

Her face started to blur and fade away. I felt something cold and wet run down my cheeks. Why am I crying? I felt a pain slowly go up my arm now. It started at the bite. The extreme pain made me scream out in agony. My body went numb and tingly. I felt the same pain as my arm, deep inside of my chest. It was the most intense pain I have ever felt. Like I was being stabbed right in my heart. 

I tried to scream out again but someone's hand was over my mouth in an attempt at stifling my screams. 

I am dying, but why? I'm not ready to die. 

I felt the persons hand leave my mouth and slide under me and lift me off of the ground. I feel like I'm going to die or pass out. I'm shivering with goosebumps but I feel so hot I'm sweating. 

I'm screaming because my insides feel like they're burning. I feel as if all my bones were breaking and grinding together and they were rearranging inside my body. Like my joints were made of broken glass, my muscles were ripping and burning. And even my teeth are hurting. That cant be right, this cant be right.

Someone shoot me! I can't stand this anymore!

At some point the person holding me put me down on something soft as I blacked out.

~time passed undetermined~

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