He apoligizes for hitting you part 1

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Jack's POV
Why am I such an idiot?! I just messed up with a girl that really loved me.
I start heading to Medda's. She's been like a mother to me and she could really help. I came in through the back and saw Medda comforting Y/N. Only Medda saw me and she led Y/N into her dressing room then came out.
"Francis Sullivan! What have you done?!" She whispered yelled.
"I don't know, I've been talking about Santa Fe so much because I was going to take her there for a surprise. I've been working myself to hard and working for other people my anger got out on her."
"Jack, I think you need to talk to her about this and explain" Medda said and led me to her dressing room door. I walked in and saw Y/N drying her tears.
"Y/N before you say anything, let me explain myself" I said and explained everything.
"You were going to surprise me?" She asked.
"Yeah, your birthday is getting close so I've been doing everything I can to take us there, I'm sorry about everything and I love you and I want what's best for you"
"I love you Jack kelly" and leaned into a passionate kiss
You ran crying all the way to the lodging house to find the boys smoking, laughing, playing poker, etc.
When you came in they stopped what they were doing and came to you looking concerned. Jack came up to you and engulfed you into a hug.
"Y/N what's the matter? Tell us what happened."
You explained everything, and right when you finished David came running in.
"Guys can we talk alone?" David asked.
"Fine Dave, but only 5 minutes" Jack said protectively.
You guys walked into a private room and sat there waiting for him to talk.
"Y/N I swear I didn't mean to hit you like that, jealously got over me and I didn't mean to do that on you. I just can't lose you or see you with anyone else. I love you too much and sometimes I get a little crazy" he explained.
"You're scared of losing me, you care that much?" You asked surprised. Ever since your parents died you haven't found anyone that loves you until David came along. You went up and hugged him tightly.
"I'll always care for you, I promise" he said in the hug.
You ran back to Manhattan to find Jack selling his papes. He sees you and gets worried. You run into him and cry in his arms. He took you into the lodging house and you told him everything.
"Just wait till I get my hands on him-" Jack started.
"Jack, just calm down. Every relationship has problems. I just need my big brother to comfort me when I need it"
"Don't worry Y/N I gotcha." Just then Spot came in through the door.
"Y/N holy crap, I was looking for you everywhere, you have to listen me-"
"Wait a minute Conlon" Jack said, "what makes you think you can show up automatically and see my sister"
"I did Kelly!" Spot retaliated.
"Both of you stop!" You finally said.
"Jack can you give us a minute?" You asked. He left giving Spot a look.
"Y/N what I did was stupid, the guys thought I was going soft and giving me a bad time about dating you. I should've just shut them out, I'm sorry"
"First of all" you started, "this is for hitting me" then you slapped him in the face, "and this is for coming back", then you kissed him.
Part 2 coming soon!!! Just to remind you requests for an imagine are still open! You guys are awesome thanks for the reads and votes! ❤️

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