During the rally

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Just when things were going great the rally at Medda's was ambushed. Jack and David found an exit and led Katherine, Les and I out. While running in my dress I fell and the delancys got ahold of me.
"Let's see how cowboy reacts when he sees we have his girl." Oscar sneered.
"He's not going to be very happy." You heard. You looked over and saw Jack throwing punches. They ran off to cause other trouble.
"Are you okay?! Did they hurt you!" He asked frantically.
"No, I'm fine." You said as he help you up.
"We need to get you out of here come in." He said and you guys ran to the back.
"Y/N if anything happens, just know I love you. Always." He said and kissed you. "Hurry go, before the Bulls come!" And you ran as fast as you could.
You knew if the police saw you, you would be sent to the orphanage. You found an exit and ran over when two cops started to pull you away.
"No! Stop!" You tried getting away, "Help!"
"Hey leave her alone!" You hear David say. Him, Mush, and skittery pulled you out of there grip. They let go and you and David ran to the other side of the building.
"C'mon we need to get you out of here."
"What about you?" You asked scared.
"I'll be fine, it's you I'm worried about."
He then pushed out the door before Snyder grabbed you. The last thing you saw before the door closed was David punching Snyder.
You and Spot did everything in your power to make sure no one touched Jack. You saw the dalanceys try and get Jack, you tried running to him for help but you bumped into someone. You looked up and saw Snyder. He grabbed you by the back and dragged you out of the building.
"Spot! Help!" You yelled.
"Y/N!" He tries getting to you but was blocked by cops on horses. He threw you in a cage like carriage. You started heading to the orphanage. You now know the feeling of defeat. You sank down and cried. When you stopped you heard a ruckus outside. The door was being unlocked, Spot opened the door. You jumped into his arms.
"I thought I lost you." You cried.
"The King of Brooklyn never loses anyone."
You and Mush fought side by side, keeping the younger ones safe, punching out cops. After punching Oscar, Morris' fist came in contact with your cheek. You fell to the ground and he dragged you away to the carriage to the orphanage. Next thing you knew mush came and tackled Morris. He was out cold. Mush kneeled to your level and caressed your hurt cheek.
"Come on let's go." He said and helped you up. You guys followed the rest of the newsies back to the lodging house.
When the cops came crashing in you and the other newsies helped keep Jack safe. You saw Blink lead Jack out front.
"No Blink!" You yelled but it was too late. You run out side and see Jack rushing past you, and blink getting hit with a club. You rush to his side.
"Y/N..." He groaned.
"Blink we have to go." You said and help him up and hurried as fast as you guys could to the nearest alley way and wait for the chaos to calm down.
A cop was coming straight for you with a club. Race gets in front of you and punches him right in the jaw. Medda, your aunt helps you up while her body guards drag you guys away. Race keeps getting blows to the stomach and face.
"They're just children! Stop!" Medda yells and slaps a cop.
"Let me go! Race!" You yell trying to get to his side. They drag you out of the building and shove you guys into a carriage. Medda holds you while you cry in her arms.
Cops held you down and hit you with all their might. Your vision was going blurry, they carried you to a cage like carriage with other newises in it. For the first time you were terrified, not knowing what to do. Once you got to the orphanage  they forced you into the bunk area. It had slipped your mind that Crutchy, your boyfriend, was here. He looked up and saw you. Your eyes filled with tears, you ram into his arms and cried.
You guys are legit!

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