You tell him you're pregnant

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You guys wanted to wait awhile for kids since you just started jobs. You've been feeling sick and you went home early. You didn't want to but you decided to take a pregnancy test. You waited anxiously and you looked at the stick. Positive. Oh no! You thought, I don't think we're ready! Tears start coming down and you thought Jack will be mad. Just then you heard the door open.
"Y/N I'm home!" Jack yelled. You hurried and locked the door trying to calm down. He jiggles the door. "Babe, you okay."
"Yeah I'm fine." You chocked out. He knew you better than anyone.
"Y/N open the door, what's wrong?" More tears come out. He gets impatient and gets a key for the door. He unlocks it and changes his expression from curious to worried.
"Hey what's wrong?" He said hugging you and rubbing your back.
"Jack, I'm pregnant." You sobbed out.
"Really? I'm gonna be a dad?" He said letting go. You nodded and looked down. "Why are you sad? This is the best news!"
"You're not mad?" You asked wiping your tears.
"Why would I be? This is amazing! We have to tell the newsies! I'm gonna be a dad!" He said picking you up and setting you down carefully then running around the house excitedly David:
You guys have wanted a kid for the past year but it never worked out. One day you guys were cuddling on the couch reading books when you get an u easy feeling. You rush to the bathroom and puke. David is right behind you holding your hair back.
"You ok?" He asks helping you up. You nod and then you widen your eyes and look at David. He gives you the same look and you guys drive to the doctors. You waited for hours for the results. The doctor came out to give you the news.
"Well congratulations, you're having a child." The doctor said. You guys were beyond excited. You couldn't wait to start this new chapter in your life.
You and Spot were visiting Jack and Sarah for the week. You and Sarah were talking inside, and drinking tea while the boys were out. When you were talking you had the sudden urge to throw up. You ran to their nearest and puked.
"Oh my gosh! Y/N, are you okay?!"
She pulled back your hair while you puked. She helped you up and you guys say on the couch.
"Have you been feeling sick at all Y/N? Was it the ride here?" Sarah asked getting me some water.
"No, that was very weird and unusual." Then you widened your eyes and looked at Sarah. "Do you have a pregnancy test?" Sarah got one and you two anxiously waited. You looked at it and it said positive.
"How am I gonna tell spot?" Just then Jack and Spot arrived. You and Sarah frantically tried to hide the test then spot came in the bathroom.
"Y/N....." He started.
"Spot I just found out. We're gonna be parents." Then he smiled am picked you up and spun you around.
You and Mush were on a romantic date, ballroom dancing. While you guys were eating you ordered a 3rd plate to the table. Mush was confused as ever looking at the plate.
"Is Blink joining us?" He asked.
"No, but someone will very soon." You smiled, "9 months to be exact."
He looked at you more confused then his eyes shot out of his head and got up and hugged you. You guys spent the rest of the night talking about the future baby and dancing of course.
It was Christmas and you guys were at your parents this year. Christmas Eve came and you guys were opening one early present to each other. Blink was the last one to get his. It was a little box that had little new born baby shoes.
"I'm gonna be a dad?!" He excited asked. You nodded. He hugged you and kisses you while everyone was cheering.
You were nervously pacing in the bathroom because you just took a pregnancy test. The timer went off and you looked at it. Positive. You felt tears rolling down your cheeks, you didn't feel ready and you though race wasn't either, and most of all you were terrified. Then you heard the door open.
"Y/N I'm home!" Race said putting his stuff down. You shut the door not wanting to face him. He knocked on the door.
"Y/N, you alright." You couldn't answer because he would know if you've been crying. He opened the door and looked at you concerned. He hugged you while you cried.
"Race, I'm pregnant..." You said letting go. He smiled.
"Y/N that's great! You shouldn't be crying."
"But I'm scared"
"Don't be you'll be a great mother and I'll be there every step."
You made him dinner with food like baby carrots, baby corn, baby ribs, etc. (like in Full House where Rebecca is trying to tell Jessie that's she's pregnant) while you were eating you asked, "Crutchy, do you notice a theme to our dinner here?"
He looked at the food and looked at you, "finger foods?" You shook your head and said, "look harder"
He named off all the foods and his eyes widened.
"We're having a baby?!" He yelled. You nodded and smiled. He hugged you and ran around the house he came back and fainted he was so excited.
Holy crap you guys!!! 5k reads!!! Thank you so much. Sorry I haven't updated in forever, finals are coming up so I have tons of chapter in store for you guys y the time school ends. You guys are awesome, thanks again!!❤️✌🏻

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