Nikki the Nerd

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I slammed my locker door shut, the metal clash ringing in my ears. My books were in my arms, along with my laptop and my binder. As I made my way down the halls to my physics class, people were just coming back from break. It wasn't because they were late, just because I was early.

I passed friend groups after friend groups, all of them staring at me wondering where my friend group is. But to be honest, I don't have one. In most schools, the popular kids hang out with the popular kids and the nerds hang out with the nerds. That's true in Westfield High, but unfortunately, I'm such a nerd the nerds don't like me.

As I walk down the hall, the popular kids walk by. Jonah Bright is in the center, a group of boys chatting with him. Those were his fellow team mates. The other super popular boys of the school. Then behind them is their fanclub. Nearly every girl in our grade, and the grades near us, is there stalking Jonah. All the sane girls aren't. I don't see why those girls swarm around them. I mean, 99.9 percent of them have barely said a word to any of them. The other 0.1 percent are the cheerleaders. At yet, these girls still follow Jonah like a dog. I roll my eyes. They're wasting their life on following a guy that can after all date only one girl. And what's the chances of that one girl being her?? Almost impossible. They could be doing so much more constructive things with their life, like getting better grades. Like hello people!?

As I passed by the boys, Kyle Parkers stuck out his foot, tripping me. Losing my balance, I toppled onto the floor, my books scattering everywhere. Sheets of paper fall everywhere and no one stops to help. I look up at Kyle, glaring at him through my glasses.

"What's wrong Nikki the Nerd? Don't like your straight A papers being treated like dirt? Well guess what, it's because they are." He spat in my face.  All his friends started laughing.

"Well guess what Kyle? If my A papers are on the ground, then where are your F papers huh? So bad you threw them away? I think I'd rather my papers on the ground." I said, grabbing my papers and putting them back in my binder.

Kyle's face scrunched up. All his friends stopped laughing and they just stared at me. Jonah was in the middle, my physics homework under his foot. I wanted to snatch it away, but what if it ripped? I definitely couldn't ask him for it either.  Obviously Jonah saw me looking at it, and bent down picking it up. At first I thought he was going to rip it, but then he handed it to me. I stared at him, shocked. Then he just carried on walking down the halls of Westfield High, his entourage following closely. I roll my eyes, and continue down the halls.

So this is me. Nicole Kingsley, aka Nikki the Nerd. As you can probably tell, I'm not the most popular girl in the world. In fact, most people hate me. Particularly the popular people. But I don't mind. I don't need friends. I don't. I have a part time job, tutoring the idiots in my grade, and I get paid well. $80 a lesson. Enough to buy me all my books and my phone.

But being a tutor is why I had to deal with that thick headed, dislexic Jonah Bright.

Heyyy!!! So I'm in Paris right now, and came up with this idea on the Metro... :P

If you guys like this idea, please comment below because it totally motivates me to write!

Also, you guys would've noticed that I don't have a cover... If you think that you could make a good one, please leave a comment below, and maybe we could chat.

Thanks so much for reading this part!! ♡♡

Bia ♡♡

Cover credits: @MoreBooksMoreJoy

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