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The sound of the piercing bell was followed by the students stampeding out of their classes. By the way, I'm never part of that stampede. I began to pack up when the bell rang. Others? They just got up and ran. Once I was out of my classroom, I pulled my phone out of my pocket. 1 unread message.

I typed my passcode in with one thumb, holding my books in the other hand. Jonah Bright. I groaned mentally. Seriously?? I thought he'd forget or something! Why of all tutors in the school did he have to choose me?

"We still on for today?"

I hesitated. This was my chance! I could say, "No, sorry, I have other plans," or, "Sorry, but I'm sick at home today." Wait, no. The second one wouldn't work. I think he saw me today... And plus, I had agreed, hadn't I? I stared at his text message, then forced my thumb to type three letters.


I held my breath as it was sent to his phone. Instantly, the message turned from being "sent" to "read". It was like he was waiting for my reply.

"Cool. Where do I meet you?"

I bit my lower lip. "Locker", I replied, then sent another message. "My one."


So, when I got to my locker, he was already there, backpack slung over both shoulders. The halls were pretty empty, considering I was way slower than the other kids to get out of class. Actually, like no one was here. Except Jonah and I.

"Hey," he said cheerfully, waving his hand. I smiled and waved back. "So," I began, "where's your house?" I needed to know the address so I could get there.

"27 Roseburg Lane," he replied. I nodded, typing the address in my phone. "But, why'd you need to know?" he asked dumbly.

I rolled my eyes. "Because how else will I get there, genius?" I said sarcastically. Jonah shrugged his shoulders, and then scratched his head, looking completely lost.

"I thought I was giving you a ride." He said after a while of thinking. Wow. He didn't pick up the sarcasm. I was impressed.

"Um..." I began. I didn't know how to put it. "I can get there myself. It's no biggie. I bet I'll be able to find a ride."

"No!" he said firmly. Then he looked at his feet, slightly embarrassed by his protest. "I mean, it's no problem. I'll give you a ride." He looked at me, my eyes still uncertain.

"I insist."


I followed Jonah to his car. It was a big, grey Ford car. I walked over to shot-gun's seat, and he followed me. At first I was so confused. I felt so dumb. Was he expecting me to drive? No. He opened the door for me, and I climbed in. "Thanks," I said softly. Jonah smiled, and closed the behind me.

He got into his seat, and started the engine. "Thanks again for the ride," I said.

We got out of the car, and he rang the doorbell on the front. His mom opened the door. She was a tall woman, like Jonah, with the same blonde hair and blue eyes. Her hair was in a messy bun, her bangs falling out. She wore denim jeans and a simple, pink blouse. "Why, hello!" she greeted me cheerfully. "Jonah! You didn't tell me we were going to have guests!" I smiled awkwardly.

"Mom, this is Nicole. Nicole, this is my mom." I waved, putting on a polite smile.

"Hello Mrs. Bright," I smiled. She laughed, and waved her hand, gesturing us in. From the corner of my eye, I caught Jonah lean to his mother, and whisper, "she's my new tutor. Please don't be embarrassing." I smiled to myself. Wow. This was going to be interesting.

"Jonah, hon, be a good host and ask poor Nicole if she wants anything to drink. Darling," she said, turning to me, "you must be parched! What do you want to drink?"

"Water please ma'am."

Mrs. Bright beamed, "A good, healthy choice my dear. And beautiful manners," she complimented me, as she walked out of the room to get me water.

After I finished my water, I was taken up to his room. Wait, let me rephrase that. I was forced to go up to his room. I really didn't wanna go up, because that would be so awkward, but Mrs. Bright insisted. She said it would be too noisy in the dining room, and Jonah's siblings would just bother us.

I walked up the stairs, following Jonah. He stopped in front of his door, turning around to face me. "It's a little messy," he warned.

I shrugged. I've been in some pretty horrible bedrooms. For one, my older brother's room was horrible. Dirty clothes were everywhere, along with trash and any other thing you could dream up. Then there was Keith. He was the guy I tutored on Wednesdays. I've been tutoring him for like three years, so I'm used to going into his bedroom, but I swear, it gets messier every week.

I walked into his room, and to be honest, it was actually decent. Other than a couple of t-shirts hanging out of drawers and a half-made up bed, it was clean. Neat even. It truly wasn't a typical, Mr. Popular kind of bedroom. Not just because it was neat, but because of the things he had.

Airplane models were lined up against the window sill. Pictures of airplanes were everywhere. On the roof, star constellations were stuck up. Obviously, he had caught me staring.

"Impressive, right?"

I nodded, still mesmerised by his choice of decor. I expected it to be really, ugh, I don't know how to say it. Well, for one, I expected it to be messy. Two, I would've thought there would be posters of John Cena on his walls, and really boyish magazines. Well, I was right on that point. There were aerospace magazines, all about planes.

"So," he began, drawing me back into reality, "I have a math exam tomorrow, last lesson, and I have no idea on how to do anything."

My jaw dropped. I couldn't believe it. I had never heard of someone studying that last minute. I mean, Keith would always give me at least a week, or six days minimum. "Well, we better get started," was all my mouth could say.

Boy, was this going to be fun. 


Helloooooo!! I'm really sorry for not updating for a while.... :'( I had a Economics exam (which I think I flunked!!) So, again, it's still super short and I really sorry... I can't wait to post my next section!!

If you guys haven't checked out my other "book", called Must Read Books!! please check it out! I think these are really nice, undiscovered books...



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