Does My Laugh Sound Like a Seal?

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I opened my locker door, and a little ripped piece of paper fluttered to the ground, reminding me of a feather. I picked it up and read the messy, scrawly handwriting.

Got a C+!!! Meet me at the front after school. 


I smiled to myself. So he hadn't failed. Thank God. I mean, a C+ was a horrid grade for me, but, he seemed happy. He still got to keep his position on the team. Maybe next time he'd learn that cramming study the day before wasn't the most peaceful thing to do. Maybe next time, he would notify me just a tint bit earlier. Please not the sarcasm...

I put the note back into my locker, and closed the door. I walked down to Biology, and passed his little, big gang of Populars. Thank goodness I wasn't walking on the same side as Kyle. I didn't feel like getting tripped today. Not that I ever felt particularly enthusiastic about being humiliated in public. I walked pass the Populars, and sure enough Jonah was in the centre of the crowd. Then, that's when the funny thing happened.

He turned, and caught me looking. I quickly darted my eyes away, feeling my cheeks blushing. But I couldn't help it. I looked at him again, and he winked at me. He winked at me. Winked! I rolled my eyes, and he smirked. I tried to contain a laugh, feeling the corners of my mouth lift. I turned away, and saw some of the girls completely awestruck. Their jaws hung wide open, they're eyes full of jealousy. I rolled my eyes again, looking back at Jonah.

I saw his lips moving creating shapes of words: Front. After school, okay? I nodded subtly, and he smiled. Then, I ducked my head down, and smiled at myself. I'd just made a cheerleader jealous. Wow. And I wasn't even trying.


The front of Westfield was practically empty at 4:00 in the afternoon. The boys and girls that had sport that day was practically on the other side of the campus. The other people that had co-curricular activities were somewhere in the buildings. I found Jonah, leaning against a tree.

"Hey," I said, walking up. "Congrats."

He smiled, "Thanks... But I couldn't have done it without you."

I laughed. That line reminded me so much of those little kid TV shows that encouraged the kids to count and say stuff with the characters. And then at the end of their "mission", they say the line.

"What's so funny?" Jonah asked, curious of my abrupt laughter spurt.

I shrugged, "What you just said," I said, pointing my finger at him. He looked confused so I explained it to him.

"Hey, what can I say? I'm that super damn cool dude from Team UmiZoomi. Can't handle my awesomeness?"

That cracked me up even more, and Jonah smirked, laughing at little as well.

"Your laugh reminds me of a seal," he said, laughing between each word.

I looked at him, pretending to be severally offended. "You know, when a guys trying to impress a girl, he normally doesn't relate her laugh to a seal."

He chuckled, and I continued. "Normally in books, the guy normally relates the girl's laugh to tinkling bells."

"Fine. But who said I was trying to impress you?" He asked, cocking at eyebrow.

I shrugged, "you just can't resist my beauty," I said sarcastically, flattering my eyelashes playfully.

"Your beauty. Yeah right."

"Hey!" I exclaimed, hitting his arm. "Denial is natures way of saying yes." I said, sticking my head up. "So you practically said that I am beautiful."

He laughed, and I did too. Finally, after our laughter died down, he spoke. "You know, I was supposed to thank you for helping me, but we got way off track."

I rolled my eyes. "You thanked me when you said, "I couldn't have done it without you?", I said, quoting his line using a super, uber deep voice.

"Yeah okay, let's not bring that up, okay?"

I laughed again, nodding. "What's wrong, Mr. UmiZoomi? Don't want anyone to know your true identity." I said, laughing again.

This time it was his turn to roll his eyes. "I think you're delirious."

For some reason, I found that hilarious too. So, I guess I was delirious. I laughed again, and looked up at Jonah, who was looking at me like I was a mad woman. I probably ruined my "goodie-two-shoes reputation" with Jonah that day.

"Yeah, you're delirious," he said smirking at me. "Now you laugh reminds me of a cackling witch. Or a drunk person. Either one works."

That day, I was going to walk home, just like I do every single other day. My house is only like a 10 minute walk from campus, but Jonah wouldn't let me.

"Can't leave a drunken all by herself, can I?" he teased, as we walked to his car.

I rolled my eyes, "I'm not drunk," I said, maybe for the thousandth time.

"Whatever, get in," he said, opening the door for me.

He drove me to my house, tapping the rhythm to the songs he played through his phone. I have to admit, he was fun to be with.

He mimicked the singers, and forced me into do it too. I felt uberly stupid, though. When we got to my house, I said thank you and he smirked.

"You too Nikki. Thanks for everything." I smiled, he'd called me Nikki. And not in a mocking way. He genuinely meant it. Like how my parents call me Nikki. This time was the first that someone from school used it in a nice way.

"No problem. Night," I said.

"Night," he whispered, so softly only I could hear. I got to my door and turned around again, giving him a small wave, before watching him drive away.

I got a text maybe five minutes later.

Sweet dreams Nikki. 


Helloooooooo!!! So, normal apologises... Sorry for not updating for a while, and having super short sections! :(

But, I have good news!! I finally got a new Goodreads account (after forgetting my old account name)... I literally only have one friend, so please please PLEASE add me as a friend if you have Goodreads! Obviously, my name is Bianca Rose, with my email being:

I have also started a group forum thingy, with only two people in it, me and my only friend!! It's called Bookies For Life, if you wanna know...

Anyways, I hope you guys like this section, and I promise I'll try to update more often...

Ohhh!! I have a question... Do you guys think Nicole and Jonah are cute together?? Which character do you think needs more developing??

Please comment below if you have an opinion. I'd love to hear!!


Bia 😘😘

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