Fries Before Guys

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I ducked down, avoiding the flying french fry that was so close to hitting me in the head. "Oh no you didn't Jonah Bright!" I shouted, reaching into my bag of McDonald's, pulling out a fry. I chucked it at his head, and hit him on the side.

"Hey!" was all he managed to say.

He looked at me, and I cocked my eyebrows as if to say: haha, serves you right. Obviously, he got the message.

"Oh, game on Nikki."

I laughed, as we continued throwing french fries at each others heads. Until, Jonah reached into his bag, and found out he had no more fries.

"Ha!" I said teasingly, throwing my couple last french fries. "I personally think I won," I said, tossing my ponytail over my shoulder like it was no big deal.

"Whatever french fry waster," Jonah shot back. I spun around facing him.

"Hey!" I yelled, smacking his shoulder, "you started it!"

"You know Nicole," Jonah began in a-matter-of-factly tone, "there are thousands of people around the world dying of starvation. And here you are wasting food!"

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, yeah. I know, I'm such a horrible person!" I said, throwing my arms in the air. Guys, please not the sarcasm.

Jonah chuckled, "you are pretty horrible."

I shot him a glare, until I laughed at his statement.

"Nikki, it feels like you're shooting laser beams at me through your glasses."

See? I couldn't help myself... I don't know if you think it was funny, but it was. Maybe you just had to be there at the moment, but I burst out laughing.

"Ehem," Jonah coughed, clearing his throat, "seal moment."

I heard that and punched him playfully.

"Okay!" he surrendered, "gees, take it easy tiger." I relaxed my expression, until he added, "or should I say seal."

I glared full blown at his head again, trying my best not to laugh. I mean, it wasn't because I'm super uptight, but seriously? How can someone take me seriously, if I'm bloody laughing? Laughing! So I stared at him chuckling. "Whatever whale head," I shot back.

That got he's attention. He looked at me, cocking an eyebrow. "Whale head?" he asked, cluelessly.

This time it was my turn to laugh.

I laughed, clutching my side, whilst nodding. "Whale head," I repeated between breaths.

"Why whale head?"

"Because," I explained after I stopped hysterically laughing. "If my laugh sounds like a seal, yours sounds like a whale!" I said, pointing my finger at his head, waving in front of his face.

"Whatever," he said, rolling his eyes.

"Hey! You started it!" I shot back defensively.

"Did not!"

"Did too!"


"You know what?" I said, sick of this argument not going anywhere.

Jonah looked at me, surprised that I'd chosen to quit the argument this early. "You admit it?"

"No!" I scowled at him, thinking it was completely obvious.

"Then what?" he said, scratching his head.

I folded my arms across my chest, and stuck out my lower lip like a toddler. "Fries before guys."

Jonah chuckled even more, and for the rest of the ride home, we talked like civilised people. Not that I'm not civilised. I was talking about him.

But when we got to my house, we realised there were fries everywhere. Scattered across the seats and the floor where just millions and millions of fries.

"Oh," I muttered, "sorry."

Jonah looked up at me, and soon afterwards, we were both on our knees looking for lost french fries.

It took literally one hour and forty seven minutes to find all the missing fries. Yes, people, I timed it.

When we finished the great fry search, he dropped me off in front of my door, and there was an awkward silence.

"Well thanks for the day," I said, breaking the ice.

"Nah," he said, shrugging his shoulders, "thanks for entertaining me today."

Then he added, "and picking up the fries."

"You started it!" I yelled back.

"Whatever Nikki. You and I know exactly who started it," he said sarcastically. "Ahem—Nicole."

I rolled my eyes, "please don't start this again," I groaned, tilting my head backwards.

"Okay fine. Lets just agree to disagree," he smirked.

"Or, that you started it," I muttered under my breath.

"Hey! I though we just—"

"Yeah, yeah. Okay fine." I said.

He smirked again, and I smiled. And it was back to silence, left in my hands to break. "Well thanks anyways, whale head," I said, punching his arm playfully.

"Right back at ya, seal face."

I laughed, and he joined me. His laugh was deep and warm. It was a genuine sound of happiness, even though it didn't sound particularly pretty. Just like how apparently my laugh didn't either.

"Bye whale-o," I said, opening the front door of my house.

"Bye seal," he said, waving his hand before going back to his car and driving away. I watched as his car drove down my neighbourhood, around the corner, until I couldn't see him anymore.

When I got back up to my room, I felt a pang of loneliness. I shook my head. Don't be silly Nicole. You've been lonely ever since day one, and now it starts to bother you?

And with that, I stuffed that thought to the deepest darkest corner of my head, and continued on with life.


Helloooooo!!! So, thanks to my new follower @RileyKifer !!

Also, I still really want a book cover done by someone, who is good!! So, if you don't think you're that great, but you know someone who does?? PLEASE TELL THEM!!!

Another point... I'd like to say again to Chrisitan @Rubix_cubed that I'm superly DUPERLY sorry for thinking you're a you-know-what!! (don't know if you'd like me to say that publicly) 😞😔😢😓😥 BTW guys, you should totally check him out... He's really nice!!! 

But, again, I'm sorry... I don't know what I was thinking.... 😔😔

Anyways, I hope you guys like this section, and comment down below if you do!! BTW, did anyone think this section was a little longer??


Bia <3 

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