BONUS!! Jonah's POV of Previous Chapter

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I stared at the textbook, my vision doubling. I shook my head, desperate to keep my focus. A blonde lock fell over my forehead, and I swept it back with my fingers. What the hell does that mean?! I read the instructions for the sixth time, looking at the examples. I still didn't get it. I let go of my textbook, and covered my face with my hands. I rubbed my eyes, and sighed. I've been fighting with myself since yesterday. Since yesterday night, when Nicole came over to my house, a mini war was being fought inside me. A part of me wanted to give up. To just let go of my position, and just flunk the test. I wouldn't have to be right here now, instead I could be throwing a football with Kyle and Liam. I could be trying to catch blueberries with my mouth right now. But no. The other side of me wanted to keep fighting. It didn't want to give up. It wanted to hang onto the last bit of hope I had left. My trusty textbook. That side was always in me though. The never giving up side. It's always been in me. I never have given up. Ever. That's just me. The competitive, thick-headed, persistent Jonah.

I went back to reading my textbook, until a shadow was cast over it. Immediately, I could recognise her. That low messy ponytail, the edges of her glasses, the long legs, and most ironically, the books clenched against her chest. She paused in front of me, as if she was about to laugh. I imagined her mocking voice cooing at me. But I guess that's what I deserve for teasing her her whole life about being a nerd.

But instead, she sat down right next to me without a word being spoken.

"Hey," I said, nervously.

She stopped, surprised that I even noticed her. "Hi," she replied, her cheeks starting to blush. "Oh, you luck for the math exam."

I chuckled, "it's going to take a lot more than luck to make me pass it."

"I'm right here if you need me."

I looked up at her. Really? Did she just say what I think she said? "Really?" was all I managed to say.

She shrugged her shoulders, "that's what tutors are for, right?"

At that moment, I had a sliver of hope. Maybe I could cram all of the information from her in one lunchtime. Maybe I could ask her all my questions. "Really? Thanks Nicole, you're the best," I thanked her, before flooding her with questions.

For the rest of the lunchtime, I could barely concentrate. As much as I wanted too, I found it way to weird how she enjoyed math so much. It was so weird watching her explain the formulas, or doing a question, while smiling, her big, warm brown eyes sparkling from behind her glasses. It was weird how her pink lips would curve upwards while she was solving an equation.

At the end of lunch, I was seriously freaking out. My palms were sweaty and sticky, so I wiped them on my jeans. We walked down the staircase, not saying a single word. My head was flowing with thoughts. What was on the test? Would it be hard? Had I learned everything I needed to know? My palms began getting sweaty again, and I rubbed them together.

Here I was stressing over what was on the test, when I was walking right next to a human cheatsheet. She literally knew the answers. She'd taken the test before, and offered me to get the answers. And I rejected her. Well, that was cheating. When we got to the math department, I turned around, desperate to ask her. "Nicole?" I began.

She looked at me in the eye and so I continued.

"Do you think I can pass this test?"

She turned her head away from mine, breaking the eye contact. I already knew what that meant. No. My heart sank, as I read her facial expression, knowing that by next week, I wouldn't be the captain of the football team. I might not even be allowed to play on the team.

Then she looked back at me and smiled. "Just try your best."

I looked at her and smiled back, before turning around, going to my classroom. My palms were sweaty and my skin felt clammy. My last bit of hope was starting to dissolve in me. The girl who knew exactly what was on the test couldn't give me a direct answer. She didn't say yes or no. "Just try your best", translated into, "No, I highly doubt it, but I can't tell you that because I'm your tutor."

I looked back, and saw her, walking down the hallway, her brunette head tilted downwards, bobbing up and down as she walked while reading. She really wanted me to pass. I could tell by the way she volunteered her lunch for my sake. For how she offered my all the answers.

Next time I'll try harder. Next time I'll practice. Next time. For her.


Helloooooooo!! I hope you guys like these snippets of Jonah's POV!! Be sure to comment below or vote or something if you guys like the occasional Jonah's POV here and there... Just as a reminder, your support really inspires me, so please please PLEASE show your love for this writing if you enjoy it!!

I noticed my story views are starting to slow down, so I am trying to update more often... And if my writing isn't really your cup of tea, but you know someone who might like it, please suggest it to them!!!


Bia <3 <3

P.S. if any of you guys are up for a chat, please do, because lately my friends have been ignoring me... :'( 

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