Chapter Seven.

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*A/N; Helloo. 

So for this chapter, I have decided to make it completely from Harry's POV.  I thought it would be more intresting that way. Maybe you would agree..? Hmm, lets see.

Enjoy the chapter guys! x

Harrys POV;

I couldn't concentrate. At all. 

I honestly didn't even know what we were studying about.

Biology  probably? I don't know..

I kept glancing at Ariana. I just wanted to hold her close..

''Harry, are you even paying attention to me?'' she chuckled as she glanced over to me. 

''Yeah, just a little lost. Could you maybe repeat it from the top?'' I said with a weak smile.

''Harry, seriously? I've repeated it at least five times!'' she giggled, putting a hand over her forehead.

''C'mon Harry. What's up? You could tell me anything.'' She inched closer to me and put her hand on my leg. I tensed up a bit, but relaxed as soon as I met her eyes.

''Well,'' I started. ''There's this girl I like, but i'm not sure she'll like me back.'' Ariana frowned.

''Oh.'' she said simply. 

''She's just so perfect... I just want her to be mine so badly. But i'm afraid of falling in love. I don't want to end up hurting her. What should I do, Ari?'' she frowned again, this time looking a bit down.

''That girl must be lucky then.  You hardly fall in love with anyone.'' She managed a fake smile. 

''She is,'' I said, chewing on the inside of my cheek.

''Well, I'm happy for you,'' she said, removing her hand away from my leg. She smiled weakly. 

''Anyways, I gotta get going. It's late. Bye Harry.''

Late? I thought to myself. You call 4;45pm late?

''Bye, love.'' I went in for a hug, but she refused.

She smiled weakly again and walked out the door before I could say anything else. 

I just wish she knew that it was her..


Later on that day, I was getting really, really, really bored. 

I decided to text one of my best friends.

To Ed From Harry; Hi Ed. How are you mate?

I didn't get a reply until a few minutes later. 

To Harry From Ed; Hiya. I'm fine, you?

To Ed From Harry; Honestly, not so well.

To Harry From Ed;  Ah. Should I come over?

To Ed From Harry; Please do. x

I sighed. I couldn't wait until Ed came over. I just needed to get all of these things out of my chest. Ed was honestly the only one who listens to my problems and not judge me for them. 

A few hours later, I heard a knock on the door. I opened it and greeted Ed. 

''Hi.'' I smiled weakly.

''Alright, whats with the weak smile?'' he said, frowning. 

I sighed. He knew me so well. I looked down, and Ed just sat there, waiting for a responce. 

''Girl problems.'' I said simply.

''Ah, speaking of which, I was talking to Lou the other day.'' I rolled my eyes. I didn't want to hear about Louis any more. 

''He told me that he was breaking up with you because he found someone else.'' I let out a sigh of relief.

''Thank god,'' I put a hand on my forehead and closed my eyes.

''So, girl problems, eh? What kind of girl problems exactly?'' He asked gently. 

I explained everything. The way I felt about her, the way she looked, the way i just.. wanted her, everything.

''Wow.'' he said simply. ''That's true love right there man.'' 

I sighed. ''Yeah.''

''Why don't you just tell her how you feel?'' I glared at him.

''It's not that easy.. What if she doesn't feel the same way? What if-''

''Stop it Harry! Stop living your life with 'what if's'! You'll never know if you don't find out.'' 

''Besides,'' he added. ''You're a good lad, Haz. She obviously would.'' I smiled a bit and gave Ed a hug. 

''Thanks.'' i said simply.

''So, are you going to do it?'' he asked eagerly. 

''What, right now?!'' 

''Yeah! Go get 'em tiger!'' We laughed. 

''Okay,'' I said. ''Maybe I will. 


As I drove to Ariana's street slowly, I parked not to far away from her house, but not to close either.

I walked up to her door, looking at the doorbell. 

Should I do it? said my mind.

Of course! Do it you idiot! said my heart. 

Just as I was about to ring Ariana's doorbell, I heard a nose in the backyard. 

As I hesitatingly walked closer to her back yard, I saw two figures moving furiously together.

Gross. Get a room you guys.

As I got closer to the two figures, I noticed who one of them were immediately. 

My heart sunk as I saw the two making out. In front of me. 

Tears were furiously reaching my red cheeks as I started running towards the car. 

I slammed the door hard are rested my head on the steering wheel, letting millions of tears fall. 

It was Ariana. 

A/N; Sorry this chappie's a bit short, but I promise you that the rest will be a bit longer. 

Hope you liked the chapter!

Please vote and comment if you could. It would mean tons. 

Luff you all, my little munchkins. xx


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