Audition 2- Cut, That's a Wrap

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I wiped the tears from my face and gave Sonequa one more hug before standing before the entire cast of The Walking Dead.

I had just filmed the last scene that I would be doing on the show, and I must say, it broke my heart.

Truly, I had no reason to be this upset considering that everyone on the show had promised me that they would keep in contact.

Not only that, but there would be a season premiere party and the season finale reunion that I had been invited to, so this wasn't the last goodbye.

And not to mention the fact that Chandler and I were dating so I could come back at any time I pleased.

It had been a year and a half since I got the role, and I was glad to say that Chandler and I had basically fallen in love.

"You know we'll never forget you, Grace," Lauren said with faux sadness and pulled me into another hug.

I nodded with a small laugh, "I'll be back."

Andrew and Norman laughed and excused themselves when an announcement sounded that they would have to get to the set to film their scene for the day.

"You should go and take the costume off," my manager, Annie, said.

I nodded and took towards the direction of my dre- my old dressing room.

After stripping of the clothes and fake blood, I put on my street clothes and grabbed my bag.

"Babe," Chandler said, coming out of his own dressing room, "You going home now?"

I nodded, "My mom told me to come straight home after filming. Something about going out with her boyfriend tonight."

He nodded and took my hand, walking with me.

"Do you think she would mind if I stayed with you for a while?" he asked.

I shook my head, "Probably not considering you've been at my house more times than I could count in the past year."

He laughed and asked me if I wanted a ride in his car instead of the cab that I normally took. I accepted and he drove us to my humble brick house.

"Grace?" my mom called from upstairs, "Is that you?"

I looked back at my boyfriend and called back, "And Chandler?"

Even though I couldn't be sure, I thought I heard her mumble," I figured."

Chandler walked on to the living room while I jogged upstairs to put my stuff away in my room and stopping in my mom's room for a moment.

"Ooo," I said before letting out a cat whistle,"Mama, you look foxy."

She let out a nervous laugh and pulled at the black frilled minidress she was wearing. It would bother most people if their mother dressed the way mine did, but I figured that I had no say in what the woman wears, considering she was in labor with me for nine hours.

"Does it make me look slutty?" she asked, attempting to pull the dress down.

I rolled my eyes in faux annoyance and smiled,"Of course not. Now hurry up. Your little boy toy is pulling up."

She peeked out the window and hurried to put on her sensibly heeled shoes and running down the stairs.

"You look hot," Chandler commented from the couch.

I rolled my eyes and stuck my tongue out at him.


"That's my mom."

"That doesn't make her any less hot."

My mom giggled like a school girl and I rolled my eyes. Sometimes, I wondered how they got along so easily. I could barely stand Chan, and he was my boyfriend.

"Bye guys," she said, stepping out of the house, "Behave yourselves."

"No promises," Chandler called.

She smirked and shut the door while I turned to go into the living room with my boyfriend.

As soon as I stood over him, I smacked him in the arm, causing him to jump and look at me with his innocent eyes.

"Ouch, Kitten," he said,"What was that for?"

"Everything you said to my mom," I said, sitting on his lap and facing the television.

He started to grumble about how his legs hurt from doing a running scene as he turned on his side, causing me to fall onto the floor.

"Asshole," I said, picking myself up.

He held out his arms as an invitation for me to lay in front of him on the couch.

I smiled and did what he wanted.

After a few minutes of us silently watching tv, he sighed, "I'm going to miss having you on set all the time."

I hummed in response.

"It wont be the same."

I smiled, "I'll still come by."

He nuzzled his furry little head on my shoulder, his hair tickling my neck.

I let out a giggle and curled into a little ball.

"I love you Grace," Chandler said as he pulled my tighter, pressing his front against my back.

"I love you too."

Topic: spooning and the request from fanficstwd

Awwwww. I kind of liked this chapter. Anyone else thought it was super cute and fluffy. I've been reading too much KellicXxForever  on my other account (mikihillson )nd I kind of was inspired, hence the "kitten" comment. (BTW LOVE YOUR STORIES GABI. ESPECIALLY MASTER AND KITTEN. CURRENTLY READING DARLING:)  ) Errrm, AND I WANT TO THANK THE 112 VIEWS JUST TODAY WHILE I WAS AT SCHOOL. Luv ya ~Miki

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